Asians is a racial group that grows the fastest in the US: Report – News2IN

Asians is a racial group that grows the fastest in the US: Report

Written by news2in

Washington: Asia America grew faster than other minority groups in the US in the past decade, up to 24 million by 2020, according to the first detailed data released from last year’s census.
The growth of the US population over the past decade was encouraged by the minority community, according to new data released on Thursday by the US Census Bureau.
The number of American white people refused for the first time since the establishment of the United States in 1776.
Non-Hispanic white people were only under 58% of the American population, the first time since the census was first carried out under 60 years.
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Instead, the 2000 census shows non-Hispanic white skin consisting of more than 69% of the population, and 63.7% in 2010.
Data revealed nearly 20 million people identified as “Asia”, and 4 million boxes examined as “Asia” combined with other racing groups, with a total of 7.2% of the population.
Another 0.5% of the population identified as “Hawaii’s original population” and “other Pacific Islander” alone or in combination with other racial groups.
The result makes the Asian population the rapidly developing racial group in the US 35.5%, said NBC News.
According to the 2010 US census, there are a total of 17,320,856 Asians Americans in the US.
“The US population is far more multiracial and far more diverse racial and ethnic than what we measure in the past,” said Nicholas Jones, director of race, ethnicity and outreach in the US Census Bureau population division.
Aggressive outreach in addition to shift demographics helps influence group participation in the census, as well as the overall population growth, Karthick Ramakrishnan, founder of data, nonprofit group policies and research, to NBC.
The overall American population grew by 7.4% over the past decade reaching 331 million.
The growth rate is the slowest since the 1930s.

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