At 100gw, India is now fourth in Surya, wind energy capacity – News2IN
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At 100gw, India is now fourth in Surya, wind energy capacity

At 100gw, India is now fourth in Surya, wind energy capacity
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Indian renewable energy capacity, not including a large hydroelectric project, reached 100 gw (gigawatts) on Thursday, making it the fourth largest largest in terms of the total green energy capacity installed.
History milestones are commendable for the third largest polluters in the world because they have been achieved in a short range of five-year Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced in 2015 the plan to build a renewable energy capacity of 175 gw in 2022.
But with the speed of capacity.
In addition to this year, reaching the target in the specified time frame will be the task of Herculean.
But a government statement said “India aims to touch the capacity of 450 gw in 2030, remains firm in its commitment to sustainable development goals”.
Be a possible, historical milestone will help New Delhi refuse the pressure to declare zero goals and call advanced economics for their sad efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
“Another Landmark Day in the history of the Indian Electricity Sector …
under the visionary leadership of PM @Narendramodi Ji, we will continue to be a global leader in the energy transition,” Power and Minister of Renewable Energy Raj Kumar Singh Tweeted.
“We want to acknowledge the important role played by the government in helping this sector achieving this goal.
Profitable policies and enabling environments have helped Indian renewable energy companies grow exponentially,” said CEO Power Sumant Sinha.
100 gw renewable capacity contributed 26% of India’s installed total generation total capacity of 383 gw.
If a large hydroelectric project is included, the total renewable capacity works up to 146 GW, or 38% of the total installed capacity.
The high track of the development of renewable energy capacity, although per capita emissions become one third of the world average, indicates India’s commitment to its incoming and will meet the NDC target (nationally determined contributions) for non-fossil power plants from non-fossil fuel sources .
and reduction of emissions.
According to a government statement, India now has the fifth largest solar power in the world and the fourth largest wind energy capacity.
It was said that projects with a total capacity of 50 gw were in the installation and 27 I was under the tender.
India has also increased its ambition to install 450 gw renewable energy capacity in 2030.

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