At 12.4 deg, the coldest Nagpur in the region – News2IN

At 12.4 deg, the coldest Nagpur in the region

At 12.4 deg, the coldest Nagpur in the region
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Thursday is the coldest second day of a month, with the minimum temperature of the city fall to 12.4 degrees Celsius, almost 1.2 degrees below the normal level.
According to data on the Central Meteorology Center (RMC), Nagpur, the coldest city in Vidarbha was attended by the Gondia which had a minimum temperature of 12.5 degrees Celsius.
The maximum nagpur temperature on the same day is 28 degrees Celsius.
Previously, the coldest day for Nagpur on November 29 when the minimum mercury rate was 12.4 degrees Celsius.
In accordance with officials, the temperature is expected to witness further decline in the coming days.
Giving a warning to citizens, the department has suggested residents to ensure several layers of clothing and minimize trips to prevent exposure to cold winds.
“Like gloves above gloves.
Mittens provide coolth and cooler isolation.
Drink hot drinks regularly and be careful for frostbite symptoms such as numbness, white or pale appearance on fingers, toes, ear lobes, and tip Nose, “Advisor to cold waves.

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