At 16.4%, the level of covid mizoram’s peposititivity shot past Kerala – News2IN

At 16.4%, the level of covid mizoram’s peposititivity shot past Kerala

At 16.4%, the level of covid mizoram's peposititivity shot past Kerala
Written by news2in

Mizoram, where Covid-19 infection has surged over the past three weeks, reported the highest test level (TPR) in the country on Tuesday, more than one percentage point higher than the level in Kerala which still continues so far the highest number of cases daily.
TPR is a percentage of total test samples found positive for covid.
On Tuesday, the number in Mizoram was 16.39%.
The state reported 1,502 new cases, the highest number of one-day infections detected in the state until now and fourth highest in India on Tuesday after Kerala (15,876), Maharashtra (3,591) and Tamil Nadu (1,591).
Overall, the number of Covid cases in India decreased to 27,488 (with data from Uttarakhand still awaited), it fell sharply from 38,137 which was reported last Tuesday.
Meanwhile, the death of the virus also continued to fall.
India reported 274 deaths on Tuesday.
Kerala recorded 129 deaths, followed by Maharashtra (52), Tamil Nadu (27), Karnataka and Bengal (respectively).

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