At 23%, Raj has the biggest gender gender in literacy – News2IN

At 23%, Raj has the biggest gender gender in literacy

At 23%, Raj has the biggest gender gender in literacy
Written by news2in

Jaipur: Rajasthan has the largest gender split of 23.2% in terms of literacy levels throughout the country, making it one of the most unequal states of gender.
The National Statistics Office (NSO) report released in January said the literacy rate among men in the survey year (2017 and 2018) was 80.08%, while for women it was 57.6%.
The literacy rate of women in the state is the second worst in this country.
Census data in 2001 and 2011 said the literacy rate in the country had jumped from 60.40% to 66.11%.
Women have registered a large leap from 43.90% to 52.12% while men have recorded a slight increase from 75.70% to 79.19% in the same duration.
“The main concern here is a large gender gap at the level in which we judge people about reading, writing, and simple mathematics.
It is clear that girls face discrimination when it comes to education directly from the primary level.
It has occurred when the government moved to the level Next and work hard to increase the ratio of female gross registration ratios in schools, colleges and universities, “said Rashmi Jain, Head of the Sociology Department, University of Rajasthan.
He shows that handling problems with only framing progressive policies and schemes is not enough.
Government efforts such as ‘Prodh Shiksha Abhiya’ in the 90s and ‘Saksharata Abhiyan’ have reached their limits.
“The time has come to challenge the mindset of people to educate girls.
The community and block where the low literacy rate has been identified for years.
It’s time to intervene by communicating with these communities by providing benefits and involving the benefits and involving the benefits Social-religious leaders, “Jain added.
The 2011 census figure said women’s literacy was the worst in Jalore and Sirohi each with 38.47% and 39.73%.
The worst performance block for the same reason is Kotra in Tonk with a literacy rate of 16.49% females.

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