At the middle level, 10.2% drop out of school; fix it, said center – News2IN

At the middle level, 10.2% drop out of school; fix it, said center

At the middle level, 10.2% drop out of school; fix it, said center
Written by news2in

Panaji: Goa has a 10.2% high dropout rate at the secondary school level during the 2019-20 academic year.
The state also has 230 single teacher government elementary schools, although the total number of teachers shows a surplus of 394, central government officials showed a review meeting for the implementation of Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) in Goa.
“The state needs to take adequate steps to reduce the dropout rate and increase the retention rate,” Goa said at the meeting.
The state has been asked to rationalize, or transfer of teachers at the primary level, in a way that the teacher in the school is in accordance with registration and there is no school where a single teacher struggles with students from my class IV (primary).
The ratio of students leaning in more than 30% of elementary schools today, officials have shown Goa.
At the secondary school level, only 44% of the Institutes have teachers for all core subjects.
“The student subject ratio is 62 (students per teacher) for mathematics, 49 for science and 100 for social studies.
The state must ensure the number of mathematics and science teachers are needed at the secondary level,” the Minutes of the SSA meeting country.
Central Education Ministry officials also noted that the recognition and mainstreaming program of goa from school children was also exposed to a pandemic.
“Previously, the migrant family of mining workers went to other countries to find work.
During the pandemic, many other migrant families left and it had had an impact because many did not return.
Instead of students around who was at home and not registered at school , “said a state official.
He said that there were other factors that contributed to registration.
“In the past few years, cave registration has dropped even before migrant exodus.
This shows the effect of small drops at birth levels.
Also, when calculating the registration ratio, certain population figures are considered students in the school age group.
However, for various reasons, this number It may have been an excessive estimate of the actual population, “the official said.
However, the registration of Goa School at the top primary level also shows the lower movement for 2019-20.
Ger of class VIII was 91.8, compared to 93.8 in 2018-19.
At the elementary school level, registration reached 99.1 like fighting 100.9 before.
“The state must also provide information about the children of migrant workers who are affected by being locked as a result of Covid-19 pandemic.
The state has not identified children outside the school in the age group 16 to 19 as suggested by the ministry.
This process needs to be resolved more Beginning, “said central government officials on Goa in SSA reviews.

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