Attorney General for New York Blastes Andrew Cuomo’s criticism of his report – News2IN

Attorney General for New York Blastes Andrew Cuomo’s criticism of his report

Attorney General for New York Blastes Andrew Cuomo's criticism of his report
Written by news2in

New York: New York Attorney General Lingitia James on Wednesday dismissed the former complaint of Governor Andrew Cuomo that the investigation of sexual harassment which caused his resignation was polluted by politics, said that Democrats had “never responsible for his own behavior.” James, spoke with a civil group in New York City, defending a report of 165 pages of his office was released in August who found Cuomo harassing at least 11 women.
Cuomo has many things to say about these things, but he has never been responsible for his own behavior.
He has never been responsible for how his behavior affects the government of our country,” James said, also a Democrat.
Cuomo firmly denied intentionally persecuting women.
He said he stepped aside to avoid subjecting the country to the moon of turmoil.
Since announcing his resignation, he has promoted the opinion column on social media that questioned the independence of investigations and suggested his ouster is a regulated political pejar.
“This is politics.
Every step,” he said in a tweet last week.
The five-month investigation, noncriminal by the James office concluded that 11 women inside and outside the state government said the truth when they said Cuomo had touched them inappropriately, commented on their appearance or gave suggestive comments about their sex lives.
This report also detailed efforts by his staff to discredit several accusations.
“Don’t forget what’s important,” James said.
“Not me.
This is not Mr.
Cuomo, but his abuse survivors.
People from our country who believe he went bankrupt.
And those who believe in him, including themselves.
There is nothing above the law.
And our country can do it more Good move forward, “James denied his investigation with one Cuomo himself ran when he served as the Attorney General and investigated the Eliot Spitzer-Governor, who resigned in 2008 in the prostitution scandal.
He noted that his investigation began after the Cuomo office referred to his charges, led by outside researchers and needed five months.
Cuomo’s investigation against Spitzer, said James, started without outside reference, takes 20 days and handled in the office.
He said his office planned to openly release the 179 transcript interviewed as part of the probe.
James’s office only released interview quotes.
Associated Press submitted an open record request in August for full transcripts and recordings of interviews with Cuomo and other witnesses but have not received material.
Rich Azzopardi, a senior advisor for Cuomo and his old spokesman, asked the Attorney General to release the transcript and video footage from the former governor interviewed by the James researchers.
“It must increase a serious red flag that AG and his duck staff every time a specific question about negligence and inaccuracy in the AG report is increased.
The public deserves a specific answer from AG for the credibility of his report – especially when he contemplates running away for the governor.” Before resigning, before resigning, Cuomo, his lawyer, and his staff attacked Justice Report James about his behavior, including saying that the record showed one account of the accuser to grope at the governor’s house could not occur during the period of time he claimed.
James is considered a candidate candidate for 2022 for the Governor of New York.
After commenting on Wednesday’s program, James avoided the question of the moderator about whether he would run, say: “I focus on my work, put my head and serve all of you as the Attorney General.”

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