Austin said we were unwavering in the commitment of the ‘strong Morenast security commitment’ – News2IN

Austin said we were unwavering in the commitment of the ‘strong Morenast security commitment’

Austin said we were unwavering in the commitment of the 'strong Morenast security commitment'
Written by news2in

Manama: The United States warns Saturday that it is able to spread the “extraordinary power” in the Middle East when facing questions about his willingness to use its military power in the region.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told Manama dialogue in the capital Bahrain that all options will open if diplomacy failed to stop the Iranian nuclear program, but he was also forced to deny US claims to be reluctant to use strength.
The head of the Pentagon was asked why Washington did not respond to last month’s drone-and-artillery attack on the base used by a US-led coalition that fought the group of Islamic countries in Syria.
“The United States maintains the right to defend itself.
And we will defend ourselves and our interests, no matter what, at that time and put us chose,” he replied.
“And do not state, do not have wrong individuals about that.
We are committed to defending ourselves and our interests and that includes our partners,” Austin said.
“And we are also committed not to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons.” Iran and World Powers are set for talks on November 29 which aims to revive the agreement that places restrictions on its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions assistance.
Tehran always denied that looking for nuclear weapons.
Austin said the main goal of Washington was to strengthen the “unmatched” alliance in the Middle East, but the word military forces remained a choice with tens of thousands of troops placed in the region.
After ending the 20-year occupation of Afghanistan in August, the US was ready to withdraw its combat forces from Iraq at the end of the year.
This month, Iraqi Prime Minister qualified from an attempt to murder two days after security forces clashed with supporters of Iran’s supported parties who lost support in the recent election.
On Saturday, Iran said it had confiscated a foreign boat smuggling diesel in the oil-rich bay.
Since February, Iran and Israel have been involved in the “shadow war” where ships related to each country have been attacked in waters around the bay.
The US and Israel accused Iran to use drones and missiles to disrupt the area.
In a brief comment to the forum, Said Senior Saudi Turkey bin Faisal Al Saud called for “demonstrative actions” in the region, including “total enforcement” of the weapons embargo on Huthi rebels supported by Iran Yemen, who fought in the Saudi-LED coalition.
Austin said that “American commitment to security in the Middle East was strong and confident.” “In the end, our mission is to support diplomacy and block conflict and to defend the United States and our vital interests,” he said.
“If we are forced to restore aggression, we will win and we will win firmly.” Austin’s visit came a few days before Iran returned to speak with the world’s power to continue the nuclear agreement which had been stopped since 2018, when former US President Donald Trump walked away.
On Friday, US special envoy Robert Malley told the conference that time was almost gone to return to the agreement if Iran continued to do a “down payment” in his nuclear program.
“We remain committed to diplomatic results from nuclear problems,” said Austin.
“But if Iran doesn’t want to be involved seriously, then we will see all the options needed to keep them United States unions.” The neighbor of Iran’s Gulf is worried that concessions can be done to the Islamic Republic in nuclear talks.

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