Sydney: The television network over Australia said on Wednesday investigating two news anchor videos that leaked personally attacking Tennis Star Novak Djokovic and accused him of lying about the application of status and visa Covid-19.
Seven West Media Ltd News Reader Rebecca Maddern can be heard discussing problems in the conversation outside the air with co-anchors, Mike Amor, according to footage circulating on social media.
Maddern can be heard describing the grand slam champion as cunning and lying in videos filled with curses that seemed to be recorded without Maddern’s knowledge, known as “hot mic”.
Read Alsodjokovic said the agent mistakenly marked the wrong box in the Australianovak Djokovic travel declaration released a long statement on Wednesday, with detail why he was not in isolation after testing positive Covid-19 in December and said that his agent made a mistake in filling out australia travel declarations .
The statement came as an Australian immigration minister Alex Hawkeamor, adjusting the collar microphone, also accusing Djokovic to make reasons and lie.
“But I think he will go with it,” he said.
The camera rolled …
when the Aussie mainstream media anchor Rebecca Madden and co-hosted caught talking about how … Daisymay4263 (@ daisymay4263) 1641929434000the number one, chasing 21 The Grand Slam title in the next week of the Australian Open, has a visit to a country that the sensation was disturbed by the task of four nights in immigration detention after the border control guard considers his medical release because it is invalid.
He has visits reactivated after the legal challenge, allows him to live in this country.
However, medical documents and travel submitted in court led to questions about the Djokovic movement before coming to Australia by posting social media appearing to show it in Belgrade less than two weeks before he headed to Australia and then to Australia.
Read Alsodjokovic traveled throughout Europe before Australia’s journey, contrary to Declarationnovak Djokovic was in Serbia in two weeks before flying to Open Australia from Spain, according to three Belgrade residents, whose account for Reuters supports social media information that contradicts the immigration declaration on arrival Melbourne.Accounts from two eyewitnesses and other individuals, obtained by Reuters, denied social media posts.
On Wednesday, Djokovic discussed what it described as “continuing wrong information about my activities” in long Instagram posts.
Read Alsotimeline: Novak Djokovic’s offer to compete in Australian Opennovak Djokovic to get around the rules that require players at the Australian Open to vaccinate against Covid-19 still in Limbo.
He said his agent made his trip “when he filled his journey declaration that he did not visit another country and denied intentionally out in public after knowing his positive test, apart from one photo shoot where he mostly used a mask.” I want to empty that I have tried very much.
hard to ensure the security of all people and my compliance with the obligation of testing, “said Djokovic.
Seven defending the presenters, said the conversation was personal and the video violated the state’s law which made him a violation of recording someone without their permission.
It is investigating who is in investigated Answer to divulge videos.