Avani Lekhara has emerged as a role model, proud of him: Deepa Malik – News2IN

Avani Lekhara has emerged as a role model, proud of him: Deepa Malik

Avani Lekhara has emerged as a role model, proud of him: Deepa Malik
Written by news2in

Tokyo: President of the India Paralympics (PCI) President Deepa Malik on Friday praised the shooter Avani Lekhara, who created history by becoming the first Indian woman to win two Paralympic Medals, by saying athletes Trailblazing has emerged as a “role model” for children in the country.
“He has risen on all challenges.
The way he (Lekhara) shows maturity to handle pressure during competition, he has emerged as a role model and we are very proud of him,” said Mailk at a virtual press conference, facilitated by.
The official Eurosport Broadcasters, after a 19-year-old written history.
Read Alsolegend in 19: Avani Lekhara became the first Indian woman who won the most dense 2 final paralympic medals, Avani Lekhara amounted to 445.9 to finish ahead of Iryna Shchetnik in Ukraine, who let her grip at the medal point with the third shot 99 in elimination.
Lekhara has become the first Indian woman to win Paralympic Gold by claiming the top award in “Gold and Bronze from the same Paralympics, people have to work very hard to achieve the sign, he has set a benchmark high and inspired so much with his appearance, right Really proud of him, “said Malik, who he won a silver shot in Paralympics 2016.
Lekhara on Friday became the first Indian woman to win two Paralympic Medals by claiming 50M Rifle 3 Position Sh1 Bronze to add unprecedented gold, she has been secured Previously in the ongoing match here.
“There is a great team’s work and praise for various athletes who have given him sports referrals.
It is clear to show that exercise can be a large media for empowerment and make a sign for every girl, which is paralyzed at a young age due to difficulties in his life.” Read Alsoot Satisfied, It could be done better: Avani Lekhara after becoming an Indian woman 1 with 2 paralympic medals that was quite satisfied despite being the first Indian woman to win two Paralympic Medal, Avani Lekhara shooter on Friday said she had it to look better game On going on but done with nerves.
Lekhara was 19 years old, competing in his debut game, fulfilled the second requirement for the final with a score of 1176, including 51 inner 10.
In the most hard-contested final, Lekhara amounted to 445.9 to finish before the Iyna Shchetnik in Ukraine, who let her grip on the medal With a bad third shot 9.9 in elimination.
Lekhara has become the first Indian woman to win Paralympic Gold by claiming the top award at the SH1 SH1 10M Rifle event.
It was also the first medal of Indian shooting in the match.
Malik also praised the entire contingent of the Para-shoot.
“We are proud of all brotherhood of shooting, JP Nutiyal Sir has worked very hard, Subhash Ranjijas spends so much time on the progress of Suma Shirur who has stood beside him (Lekhara).” I can see a happy atmosphere.
There on the team, among the shooters, “said Malik.
The head of PCI also said that when he began as athletes, he wanted to see a show like that.” Especially the girls, who have won here, Bhavina Patel Scripted History in TT (Tennis-Tennis), Avani debuted with one gold and one bronze, this is truly personal joy, because this is something I want to see when I started playing 15 years ago, “he signed.

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