Aware of Delhi Bazar became a model for market improvement – News2IN

Aware of Delhi Bazar became a model for market improvement

Aware of Delhi Bazar became a model for market improvement
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Agents at Old Delhi are working on a project to develop a model market in the conscious area of ​​the bazaar where all stores will have a symmetrical size nameplate, the same window leaves and placement of dust with the same distance.
The market will also be made free plastic.
This project will start from the iron market and hardware in Teliwara (aware of bazaar).
Regional members and former former Delhi Municipal company Major Jai Prakash said that the project would involve several agents other than the local trader association.
“We held a meeting with the merchant association in this case on Tuesday and after that, I held a meeting with ACP and Sho.
While the association of traders agreed to install symmetrical size signage and window leaves with the same color, I discussed with police officers installation of pickets .
To improve waterways and sewers, we might involve DJB, “Jai Prakash said.
He added that a board at the entrance that determined the contact details of the officials concerned from various departments would be placed by the North Corporation.
“Efforts will also be made to sweep the market twice a day.
Working on the project can begin in the next 15 days,” said the former mayor.
A senior Delhi official confirmed that there was a project to develop the market market with the involvement of several institutions.
“But the details have not been discussed and the project is still in its initial stages,” the official said.
Members of the Iron and Hardware Traders Association said that they met North District Administrative Officers last week and discussed the project to make the free plastic market.
“The district judge also present and officials suggested that work to collect plastic can be given to NGOs and in return, they will provide a cloth bag to traders.
We agree to the idea and then talk to NGO representatives about this issue.
Unlike the rest of the wholesale market, Plastics are produced in decent quantities here after dismantling machines and equipment, “said Rajendra Sharma, president of the Iron Mercantile Association and Hardware.
“As far as the symmetrical size signal is concerned, there are city norms to establish a uniform size and we will submit this to traders to avoid actions.
We have a public and CCTV announcement system.
We will repair goods if needed.
Security guards are deployed on the market curfew, “Sharma said.

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