‘Back to school, appears for exams and get vaccinations. Nothing needs to be feared ‘ – News2IN

‘Back to school, appears for exams and get vaccinations. Nothing needs to be feared ‘

'Back to school, appears for exams and get vaccinations. Nothing needs to be feared '
Written by news2in

Nagpur: As the school starts to reopen and even the council test is all arranged for offline mode, it is only natural for parents to worry about the safety of their children.
Mrudula Phadke, a senior adviser of the Maharashtra government and also to UNICEF for the health and nutrition of children, talk to TOI and eliminate fear and myths about children’s safety and adolescent vaccination.
The experience of the Phadke deck in the field in the field saw it held a prestigious post like the representative of the Chancellor of Maharashtra Health Sciences University and Dean of BJ Medical College (Pune).
He said parents should not be afraid of vaccinations or send their children to school.
Outside of an interview …
The biggest worries are from parents whose children have not qualified for vaccination.
Is it safe for them to go to school? A.
Fortunately, all the data we have so far shows that Covid in children is very light.
Death in children because Covid is practically never heard.
If children are infected, most of them produce fever, cough and cold for a few days and are lost.
So, in general we know that children are safe even if they get Covid.
The thinking line, that because children are not vaccinated we may not send them to school is not true.
We have opened everything, such as malls, restaurants etc.
And children go to most of this place.
Going neighboring homes or playing with other children is more risky than going to school.
Some parents are also worried about the side effects of the vaccine for the age group 15-18.
How faried is this worried? A.
We gave Covaxin to this age group, so the side effects were lightweight like pain in hand vaccinated etc., and it was also only in some.
Just taking paracetamol will solve problems and side effects missing in 12-48 hours.
Very rarely some people might get an allergic reaction, but it can be treated without problems.
And that is one of the reasons we provide vaccinations at health care facilities so that the emergency can be taken care of.
What is the top worries the top you are shared with you? A.
I can remember two incidents about the reason why parents don’t want their ward to take a vaccine.
A mother told me that their family was vegan so they did not consume animal-based products.
So I have to spend a long time with them explaining that the benefits offered by the vaccine far exceeding your worries on the diet philosophy.
A set of other parents does not want their daughter to take a vaccine because it can cause infertility later on.
I want to tell the parents that such fears are not grateful.
A safe vaccine, lightweight side effects so there is no reason why your child may not get the shot.
The Maharashtra government has explained that the Board exam will be held in offline mode.
Do you take security problems by some parents? A.
The Board Exam takes place for a maximum of three hours and the N-95 mask can protect you longer than that.
Even if someone who is near Covid, he provides a high level of protection.
And because in the council’s exam hall, everyone will wear a mask, the risk of transmitting practical infections is ignored.
This X and XII students are as good as adults so they can use masks for that duration without problems.
And if there are medical conditions that prevent this, they must give it certified by their doctor before the exam starts.
Also, classrooms must be well ventilated with open windows.
I strongly support that the exam must be given offline and there is no reason to worry.

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