Baghdad clash injured 30 as a party that is in harmony with the dispute – News2IN

Baghdad clash injured 30 as a party that is in harmony with the dispute

Baghdad clash injured 30 as a party that is in harmony with the dispute
Written by news2in

Baghdad: Clashes in Baghdad between Iraqi Security Forces and supporters of the parties denied the results of the October general election which injured more than two dozen people on Friday, said source of police and health workers.
It was the first significant clash of violence between government forces and supporters of political parties, most of whom had armed wings and aligned with Iran, because the groups lost dozens of parliament seats after vote of October 10.
The police fired tear gas and ammunition lived in the air when a number of protesters threw stones and tried to advance towards the enriched Green Zona, which accommodated government buildings and embassies, foreign sources said.
More than 21 protesters were hurt mostly from the inhalation of smoke and nine other police were injured because they were stoned by stones, hospital resources said.
The parties who made the biggest increase in October Iraq’s election including the Muslim Shiite populist Cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who openly opposed Iran’s interference in Iraqi politics and had called on all the remaining West troops to withdraw from the country.
Iran’s supported groups denied the election results were also Shia but followed the Iranian’s theocratic governance model by Nationalist Sadr and many ordinary Syuit Iraqis refused.
The majority of Iraqi Shia has dominated the government since the overthrow of Sunni Dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003.
Sunni and Iraq Kurds, the next biggest religious and ethnic groups in Iraq, lead a significant alliance in parliament.
Election results are seen as rejection by foreign influence voters, especially Iran.
The parties denied the results said there were irregularities in the voting process and vote counting, but had not provided strong evidence for their claims.

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