Bail order Aryan Khan was released – News2IN

Bail order Aryan Khan was released

Bail order Aryan Khan was released
Written by news2in

The Bombay High Court released the latest order stating the reason for providing guarantees to the son of Shah Rukh Khan Arya Khan in the case of Cruise Mumbai medicine.
According to the court, there was no positive evidence found from the conspiracy between Arya Khan, Merchant Arbaaz, and Munmun Dhamecha to commit drug-related violations.
Also, the court stated that nothing could be found in whatsapp conversations between them.
Furthermore, the HC command also stated that the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) could not rely on alleged confession statements recorded by investigative officers because they were invalid.
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Many have been said and written about Aryan Khan since the arrest in the case of Cruise Mumbai medicine.
Star star, after being in detention for almost a month, finally got a guarantee on October 29.
However, he must appear before NCB every Friday.

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