Ballia reminded her victory against the British government, the process taken – News2IN

Ballia reminded her victory against the British government, the process taken

Written by news2in

Times News Network Varanasi: Ballia District Prison Gate Opened for a while on Thursday for local residents to commemorate historical events when ‘Baghi Ballia’ stated that he was independent of the British government.
People pay tribute to freedom fighters and also take procession in the city.
Every year, on August 19, people carry out procession from district prisons and hold meetings in Bapu Bhawan to celebrate Dsitrict’s victory.
The rebellion in Ballia began immediately after the arrest of Congress leaders took part in Indian outgoing movements.
On August 10, 1942, all schools were closed and people continued to issue a process.
On August 13, the Bilthara Road train station was attacked and the building was on fire.
On August 16, Rasra Treasury was attacked and two days later the police station in Bairia was attacked.
The station officer has removed the tricolor appointed by the freedom fighters on August 15.
At least 20 people were killed and several others were injured in police shots.
According to district records, on August 19, 1942, around 50,000 people armed with weapons, Lathis, Spears, went to prison to free their leaders and other participants.
When the district judge knew that people approached to free their friends, attack the government office and loot the treasury, he went to the leaders in prison and met Chittu Pandey and others and offered them to calm them down.
But when leaders disagree he suggests that they must at least take responsibility to see that there is no damage to the treasury, prison property and the government.
Because there was no guarantee given to him, he had no choice but to let go of freedom fighters in vague expectations of saving the treasury and other government properties.
Before their release, they assured him that the effort would be made to maintain peace as far as possible.
This not only marked the first win of the struggle for freedom but was a symbol in the small and economical district of the fall of Raj England.
After their release, the leaders discussed a large meeting at the City Hall when Chittu Pandey urged people not to spoil sabotage or similar activities.
But there are differences of opinion and many who oppose this point of view because they have witnessed the brutal murder of their friends and their feelings have been resurrected hard, so the sabotage activities continue.
Residence of government and non-official officials who have provided support to the government are fired.
Shops that sell foreign fabrics and liquor are attacked.
On August 20, a police van went around the city opened the fire in Pimpul which was contrary to the guarantee given to the leaders.
In the absence of planned programs, many administrative centers are still arrested, but they have stopped functioning properly.
Freedom fighters are separate Panchayats for different regions to continue the civilian government and the volunteer of the congress appointed for the city defense.
Now people have gained full control over the city so they declare ‘independence’ and the government was formed with Chittu Pandey as his first head.
According to a government report, seven of the ten district police stations were in the hands of freedom fighters and Congress Raj had been proclaimed.
During the night of August 22-23, military forces entered Ballia and the popular government was overthrown.
Then the british and military police happened to the Ballia people, marked by and a booty party and looting, rape, beating and burning.
All revolutionary leaders, young and old, arrested, beaten and tortured.
Houses from all those who have helped or should help fighters, burn.

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