Bank fraud: CBI catches nine people in TN – News2IN

Bank fraud: CBI catches nine people in TN

Bank fraud: CBI catches nine people in TN
Written by news2in

Chennai: The Central Investigation Bureau has captured nine people in connection with sustainable investigations on cases related to bank fraud which caused RS 45.4 crore losses to Bank India when the defendant accidentally stated / equivalent to Chennai Port Trust (CPT), the word release of CBI on Tuesday.
The defendant has been identified as Ganesh Natarajan, V Manimozhi, J Selvakumar aka Selvam, K Zakir Hussain, M Vijay Halld, M Rajesh Singh, S Afsar and V Sudalamututututu aka Annachi (all private people).
The CBI registered the case on July 31, 2020 in complaints from Bank India, Chennai, against two private people, the Koyambedu branch manager and other unknown civil servants and private people on charges of committing fraud, forgery, the intention to intend to deceive banks in RS 100.57 crore.
Furthermore, the disadvantage of the losses of Rs 45.4 Crore was caused by an Indian Bank by seizure / pre-closure of several time deposits (deposits) made on behalf of CPT and also transferred / attracted the number through various accounts.
It also accused the defendant, at conspiracy with each other, combing the Bank and CPT to complete time deposits in the Koyembedu Branch of Bank India.
Thus, 45 futures deposits (FDS) were made during the period between March and May 2020.
One of the accused of accusing himself as Deputy Director (Finance) Trust Port Chennai and opened a fake current account on behalf of CPT in Koyambedu Branch.
After receipt of investment from CPT on every occasion, the bank creates the term acceptance of deposits (bonds) to the investment.
The bond was received by the defendant from the bank directly.
Instead of giving the original bond to CPT, the defendant made a duplicate bond and submit fake bonds to CPT.
Further accused that the original bond owned, accused allegedly presented in front of Bank India, the Koyambedu branch and pre-closed the term deposits one by one in a few days the creation of time deposits.
The money received from the pre-closure of time deposits is thought to be credited into a fake current account made on behalf of the CPT by the defendant and then transferred to 28 different accounts.
This money was withdrawn by 28 account holders and handed it to the people accused.
CPT continues to invest in time deposits and the same thing allegedly closed by the defendant one by one, after the bond was created by the bank.
In the process, the total Rs 100.57 Crore (around) was transferred from the CPT in five investments that opposed 45 futures deposits of different amounts made.
Of the total investment, RS 55.19 Crore can be frozen after detection of fraud and the remaining RS 45.40.65,000 cheated by the defendant.
Previous search was conducted in 22 locations including in Chennai, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin and Nagercil which led to recovery of several burdensome material documents and materials.
Eight of the nine captured was produced before a special judge for the CBI case in Chennai.
They are returned in judicial custody.
The remaining ones were accused of being captured from Tirunelveli, taken on transit delivery from competent courts.

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