Banning Idol Immersion helps maintain the quality of the water body – News2IN

Banning Idol Immersion helps maintain the quality of the water body

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Nagpur: Decision of Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) (NMC) Major Major Lake to stop people from soaking during ganpati and Devi celebrations seem to have paid off.
With rarely, the quality of futala water, Gandhisagar and Sonegaon Lake remain unchanged even after Visarjan.
This fact appeared in the future in the water monitoring campaign together carried out by the Green Vigil Foundation NGO and Washington DC Earthecho International-based organization.
Done every year, this campaign focuses on monitoring lake conditions in the city and analyzes the impact of soaking in the body of the water.
Monitoring was carried out three years – starting in February and to post immersion.
This year’s data shows significant positive changes.
The oxygen level dissolved from Lake Futala, which will usually drop drastically after immersion, remains completely unchanged at 4.5 milligrams per liter (mg / l).
Dissolved oxygen, which refers to microscopic bubbles of gas oxygen mixed in water, is an important indicator of the health of the water body.
Posting 2014, the level of this parameter will drop to as low as 3.5 mg / l in Futala when Idol Immersions will be carried out on the lake.
Gandhisagar and Lake Sonegaon also looked healthy, showing that the effort of the body of the Civic to protect the body of the water produced useful results.
Three lakes did not see many changes in turbidity, which is the presence of suspended solids.
After analyzing water samples, Surbhi Jaiswal, the team leader at the Green Vigil Foundation, said, “NMC took a big step with the barricade of all the main lakes during Ganpati and Devi Visarjan and therefore, for the first time in a decade, had been ignored.
This is news The excellent and also examples of how policy decisions can help protect the environment.
“However, Lake Sakkardara continued to fall apart.
“The water level of Lake Sakkarardara falls and the maximum area of ​​the body of water is covered by water hyacinth and other weeds, which causes a decrease in the dissolved oxygen level.
It drops to 3.0 mg / l.
Turbidity is reported as 60 -65 JTU and pH as 7, 8.
It is very important to cleanse Lake Sakkardara immediately to save him, “Jaiswal added.
Lifting concerns, other group members, Mehul Kosurkar, Sheetal Choudhary and Shriya Jogey, who are also part of water monitoring, said, “The only supply of oxygen to our lake with atmospheric diffusion.
So, to keep the oxygen level dissolved on our lakes, We need to install artificial oxygen supplies such as fountains.
Together with the beauty of the lake, preserving the lake ecosystem is very important.
“Lake display * For the first time in a decade, the impact that can be ignored in the 3 Lake Post Varjan * Dissolved oxygen, Turbidity Futala Lakes, Sonegaon and Gandhisagar remain unchanged * Lake Sakkarardara in bad conditions * Water levels covered in Hyacinth

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