Based on new GST compensation mathematics – News2IN

Based on new GST compensation mathematics

Based on new GST compensation mathematics
Written by news2in

Lucknow: The new compensation formula “income loss” by countries from next July has pushed slices between the center and opposition countries even before the GST board discussed this issue on Friday.
Before the center even presented a proposal, the Minister of Finance from several countries ruled by the opposition raised questions, with Palanivel Tamil Nadu Thiagrajan, Deputy Partner and Maharashtra Bengal Barat CM Ajit Pawar did not come here for the meeting.
While Pomar raised questions more than Rs 30,000 crore arrears compensation, the other two points to the agenda being resolved at the last minute.
Mitra said Union FM Nirmala Sitharaman had committed to separate meetings about this issue.
“They have decided to include a compensation problem 48 hours before the meeting.
Why? How can you finish the discussion about the problem that is so important at the end of the meeting?” Said partner.
Likewise, Thiagrajan complained about the meeting held by short notice with a location that was not suitable for several FM countries.
He accused that the agenda came in bits and the last pieces and items – agenda number 18 – related to compensation was sent to America on Sunday.
“It makes it difficult to give a full response in a short time,” said the former investment banker, added that the state would be represented by officers.
While the center has committed to ensure that it will compensate for the state for any shortage in the case of their annual growth shortages 14%, the compensation formula ended in June.
From July, the center will provide a new formula, but it is expected to attack hard bargaining, which will include steps taken by the state to ensure that collections increase and other steps to increase income collection.
Looks to use the issue of inclusion of fuel in GST net as part of a greater effort to deliver the next round of reform.
But his steps will face the opposition from non-BJP’s harmful countries, which exist in the past to the level of questioning the design, even though it became the party over the decision.
On Thursday, West FM Bengal also complained that his request to join a virtual meeting was rejected by the center, which quoted rules 4 (2) of the GST board business regulations procedure.
As a result, the state has nomined the Chandrima Bhattacharya, a minister in the government of Mamata Banerjee, to attend a physical meeting in Lucknow.
“Why do you want to hold a meeting directly when the pandemic is still there? With almost 100 people present, this can be a super-spreader event,” said partner.

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