Battle for Taiwan: leader standing in China – News2IN

Battle for Taiwan: leader standing in China

Battle for Taiwan: leader standing in China
Written by news2in

Taipei: In January 2020, on the night of the re-election victory, Taiwan President Tsai Ing – Wen stood in front of a supporting crowd and delivered a smart warning about China: Beware.
It was a great departure from the previous speech in his career.
Tsai has a reputation for being wood in stump.
This time is different.
Tsai campaigned with enthusiasm in the contest, exploiting high fear of life under the Chinese government by focusing on pro-democracy protests that rocked Hong Kong in 2019.
Beijing pressed Taiwan to accept the same limited autonomy formula – “One country, two systems) “- It has promised to Hong Kong.
Tsai stated that China denied in Hong Kong and Taiwan could not give up.
“With their life, blood, and tears, young people in Hong Kong have shown us that one country, two systems are not feasible,” Tsai said.
Supporters roar in agreement.
Some waved black-white flags brought by pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.
“Tomorrow, we will let everyone see that Taiwan can protect this fortress of democracy for the world.” It was the top of the extraordinary transformation for Tsai.
Close advisor said he had lost his first Run President, in 2012, in part because he avoided talking about deadlock with China, who looked at him himself.
He won the second term by landslides, utilizing Taiwan’s national identity which grew rapidly, after years of spending learning from previous setbacks.
With Tsai now entering his second term, fear in Taiwan about China who is increasingly fought to dominate his presidency.
TSAA led the island of 23.5 million people arrested in the middle of the battle to dominate between the United States and China who were more assertive under President XI Jinping.
XI, who sees unification with Taiwan as a fundamental requirement to restore China to its traditional status as a big force, has repeatedly threatened to bring the island to heels, if necessary by force.
Just like they have a different view of the future of Taiwan, Tsai and Xi, born just a few years apart, can’t be more different.
Tsai, fluent English and educated at Western Elite institutions, using social media to connect with supporters.
XI, the son of a famous revolutionary and the product of the vast Bureaucracy of the Chinese Party, only appeared in the event written strictly.
Under Tsai, Taiwan has enjoyed a wave of international support, with the main US Allies openly recognizing the island’s strategic interests.
TSAI has held several high-level US officials to the island in recent years, while Taiwan maintains extensive support from members of the American parliament, making the island one of the few areas where there is a bipartisan agreement in Washington.
However, KMT opposition said the cross-strait relationship had deteriorated during TSAI’s presidency.
Tsai refused to comment on this profile.
The Chinese government does not respond to questions from Reuters.

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