Bengal Records 9,385 Covid Case, 33 Death – News2IN

Bengal Records 9,385 Covid Case, 33 Death

Bengal Records 9,385 Covid Case, 33 Death
Written by news2in

Kolkata: West Bengal on Monday enrolled 9,385 new Covid-19 cases, 5,553 less than Sunday, pushing the calculation to 19.07.084, the health department said in a bulletin.
Overall 33 fresh fatalities took the death toll to 20,121.
Kolkata contributed seven deaths and 1,879 cases on Monday, while the 24 North Parginas Regency recorded 11 deaths and 1863 new positive cases.
In the last 24 hours, 11,034 Coronavirus patients recovered.
The disposal level in the current country is 90.63 percent, said Bulletin.
The number of active cases decreases by 1,682 in a day to 1.58,623.
Since Sunday, 35,515 samples have been tested in West Bengal take the total number of clinical examinations to 2,33,62,613, said Bulletin.

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