Bhu starts the course in a Hindu study – News2IN

Bhu starts the course in a Hindu study

Bhu starts the course in a Hindu study
Written by news2in

Varanasi: Universitas Banaras Hindu (BHU) in Varanasi has started a new course – Masters in a Hindu study.
According to a spokesman for Bhu, the postgraduate program is the first of the types that will be offered by universities in this country.
He said it was an interdisciplinary program designed in line with national education policies, 2020.
The program will be offered by Bharat Adhyayan Kendra, in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy and Religion, Sanskrit Department and ancient Indian History Department, culture and archeology, under the Faculty of Art.
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This course will make the world aware of many unknown aspects of Hindu Dharma and help in taking their teachings to more people, said Prof.
V K Shukla, a senior chancellor.
45 students, including a foreign student, have joined the first batch.
Professor Centenary Chair Rakesh Upadhyaya said of course it was important to build the values ​​of ‘sanatan’ life.

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