Bhubaneswar: Police request a bar in the twin city not to keep guards without verification – News2IN

Bhubaneswar: Police request a bar in the twin city not to keep guards without verification

Bhubaneswar: Police request a bar in the twin city not to keep guards without verification
Written by news2in

Bhubaneswar: Taking a strong exception with the alleged involvement of many guards in criminal activities, the police Komisianci City Twin has placed several conditions for their appointment.
Police Commissioner Saumendra Priyadar on Monday warned the owner of the bar against hiring Musclemen on their will.
They have been strictly asked to recruit professional private security personnel only from official agents, registered under the ACT (PASAR) private security agent (regulation).
He also has mandatory bar owners to complete police verification before hiring them.
There is no bar owner who will appoint anyone as a private security guard or guard without previous verification of their character and anteceden by the deputy commissioner of the police.
The bar owner will appoint security guards only from registered agents, read orders.
The bar owner has also been ordered to notify the police station in writing about the appointment of security personnel in their company.
Security personnel cannot use strength or violate the basic rights of visitors at the bar, read orders.
“We often noticed that bars spread guards or Musclemen, ordered to commit criminal violations in the past.
Prison with criminal records always pose a threat to customers who visit the bar.
Their difficult behavior can violate the peace and calm of the area.
Restrictions have been enforced To prevent unward incidents, “Priyadarshi said.
Orders will take effect from Tuesday.

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