Biden gave an intelligence report that was not convincing about the origin of Covid – News2IN

Biden gave an intelligence report that was not convincing about the origin of Covid

Biden gave an intelligence report that was not convincing about the origin of Covid
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: The classified US intelligence reports sent to the White House on Tuesday cannot be concluded at the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic, partly due to lack of information from China, according to US media reports.
Assessment, which was ordered by President Joe Biden 90 days ago, could not definitively conclude whether the virus that first appeared in China was jumping into humans through animals or escaping the research facilities that were very safe in Wuhan, two US officials who were familiar with The material told Washington Post.
They say the parts of the report can be declassified in the coming days.
The debate about the origin of the virus that has killed more than four million people and the economy is paralyzed throughout the world has become increasingly controversial.
When Biden assigned an investigation, he said our intelligence agents were divided into “two possible scenarios” – animals or laboratories.
Former President Donald Trump and his aides have helped trigger the theory of lab leaks in the midst of intense criticism of the handling of the world’s largest outbreak in the world, pointing to the finger to Beijing, which really denies the hypothesis.
Despite the direction of Biden that the intelligence community “doubled their efforts” to parse the origin of the origin, the 90-day reviews took them not closer to the consensus, the officials said to the Post.
Part of the problem is the lack of detailed information from China, according to the Wall Street Journal.
“If China will not provide access to certain data sets, you will not really know,” said an official to a journal with anonymity requirements because the report was not common.
Beijing has rejected calls from the United States and other countries for an updated origin of investigation after a very politicized visit by the World Health Organization Team in January also proved to be inconclusive and faced criticism for lack of transparency and access.
The temporary pressure increases to evaluate the lab leak theory is more comprehensive.
At the beginning of the pandemic, the natural origin hypothesis – that the virus appears in bats then forwarded to humans, possibly through intermediary species – widely accepted.
But over time, scientists have not found a virus in bats or other animals that match the genetic signature of SARS-COV-2.
In the face of China’s reluctance to open up to outside investigators, experts are increasingly open to consider the theory that the virus may have leaked from the laboratory conducting Coronavirus research in Wuhan, an idea that has been dismissed as a conspiracy that was reproduced by the US.
Who Head of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has acknowledged that the initial investigation of the global health body to the Wuhan virology lab is not far enough.
But the WHO call last month for the second stage of the investigation to enter a Beijing angry lab audit.
Deputy Minister of Health Zeng Yixin said the plan showed “disrespectful for common sense and vanity against science.”

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