Biden gets a clean Bill of Health after Kamala 85 minutes of presidency – News2IN

Biden gets a clean Bill of Health after Kamala 85 minutes of presidency

Biden gets a clean Bill of Health after Kamala 85 minutes of presidency
Written by news2in

Washington: It lasts only 85 minutes, but history makes the moment in America it is not possible to change into a long term, especially the era.
Doctor’s White House Dr.
Kevin O’Conce gave a clean health bill to US President Joe Biden on Friday after a detailed physical examination, including a colonoscopy procedure that requires anesthesia, because it was organized constitutionally, as Vice President Kamala Harris approached one and a half hours.
“President Biden remains a healthy man, full of 78 years old, who is suitable to successfully execute presidency tasks,” O’Connor wrote in a summary of six pages of visits, where he only recorded two with a little.
Work Note: The more frequency and severity of “throat” Biden “during a deteriorating speech, and a deteriorating style, both of which he said deserved more detailed.
, and although episodes are more frequent and clearer, the examination does not find signs of tumors or polyps and the vocal cords are visible and work normally.
The rigid Biden gait he suggests can be the result of the “wear” degenerative on his backbone, exacerbated By the foot fracture that occurred last year when he played with his dog.
But overall said the exam showed the health of the president for “fundamentally did not change” from before, the doctor said.
“Very detailed neurological exams ensure that there are no findings that will be consistent with small brain or other middle neurological disorders, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, PA RKinson or lateral sclerosis rose, “he wrote.
Open and transparent medical results, which is a habit for the US president, comes even as the right of the conspiracy of the right wing work alone to be a madness of Biden briefly delivering power to Vice President Kamala Harris, making it the first woman in the history of the commander.
“I recognize it only about one and a half hours, but I still think it is something to celebrate that a color woman is in this position in 2021.
who said, I wanted to see a female president,” said a liberal commentator.
Harris’s duty as an acting president lasts from 10.10 am to 11.35 in the morning on Friday.
Right wing comments on the other side enter the Paroxyms of Rage.
“Kamala is a potus for 85 minutes today that is frightening.
If we lose Sleepy Joe, we will be left with Kaudlin Kamala.
It’s hard to know which one worse!” One Commentator of Fox News Drinking.

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