Biden, Merkel swears in public in Russia, China – News2IN

Biden, Merkel swears in public in Russia, China

Biden, Merkel swears in public in Russia, China
Written by news2in

Washington: President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday vowed to work together to survive against Russian aggression and bear the actions of anti-democracy by China.
Biden said he reaffirmed his concern about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline which was built from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea, but he and Merkel was united in their belief that Russia did not use energy as a weapon.
“We stand together and will continue to stand together to keep the pelvic allies east of us in NATO against Russian aggression,” Biden told a news conference along with Merkel.
He said the two countries would defend democratic principles and universal rights when they saw China or other countries working to undermine a free and open society.
The United States and Germany are the main allies of NATO, but the relationships suffered under former President Donald Trump.
Biden and Merkel have been known and worked with each other for years.
Both of them vowed to strengthen the relationship between the two developed countries.
Washington was afraid of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to hurt Ukraine and increase European dependence on Russian gas.
The United States wants Germany to find a way to ensure that Russia cannot use pipes to endanger Ukraine or other allies in Eastern Europe.
The $ 11 billion project, which is expected to be completed in September, will pass Ukraine US Allies, potentially seizes it from valuable transit costs.
Germany and the United States also did not agree on the wisdom of partnering with China on business projects, temporary patent relief which aims to accelerate the production of global covid-19 vaccines and sustainable restrictions on Europeans traveling to the United States.
Biden, 78 and Merkel, 66, looked at the eyes to oversee a wider range of problems, and both wanted to strengthen the transatlantic relationship that suffered under Trump, by whipping the ally of the US close.
“Cooperation between the United States and Germany is strong and we hope to continue it, and I am sure that we will,” said Biden when they started a meeting that lasted more than one hour.
He recorded Merkel to the Oval office many times and called him “a good friend, personal friend, and a friend of the United States.” “I appreciate friendship,” said Merkel, the first European leader to visit Biden in the White House, underlined the role of America in building free and democratic Germany after World War Dua.
The strategic relationship between the two leaders does not have much time to work together to strengthen the relationship between the fourth and fourth largest economy in the world.
Merkel, Chancellor since 2005, plans to get out of the German government after the national election in September, which means he is likely to be seen as a “paralyzed duck” in the past months in power.
Polling shows that Christian Democrats are ready to lead in forming government after elections, but still unclearly which parties will be included in the coalition.
The Democratic Party Biden has a majority of tenuous in the US Congress who can evaporate in the 2022 congress election.
John Emerson, who served as German ambassador under President Barack Obama, said the relationship was still “very necessary” for Washington considering the role of Germany as the biggest economy in Europe and NATO allies, and importance as bridge builders in dealing with Russia, the Middle East and North Africa.
Germany accommodated around 36,000 US troops on his land.
On Thursday night, Merkel and her husband will attend dinner held by Bidens in the White House.
Guests include members of the US Parliament, former State Secretary of Colin Powell and Hillary Clinton and Republican leaders from the US House of Representatives and the US Senate, the White House said.
The visit of the White House of Merkel showed the United States tried to make amends with allies that were often attacked during the years of Trump.
“Invite him to be symbolically coming, but it is also an opportunity to get a back relationship on the right track, and it clearly happens,” Emerson said.

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