Biden met King Jordan Abdullah to discuss the Middle East’s problem – News2IN

Biden met King Jordan Abdullah to discuss the Middle East’s problem

Biden met King Jordan Abdullah to discuss the Middle East's problem
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden on Monday held an oval office talks with King Abdullah Jordan, Ally the main US in a turbulent region, in three facial-to-face meetings that expected immediately with the Middle East leaders.
Abdullah, who faced the challenge of his authority in April from his stepbrother, Prince Hamza, met Biden for the first time since the US president took power in January.
Biden called the king “good friend, loyal, worthy.” “You are always there, and we will always be there for Jordan,” he told reporters during the shooting session.
He said he wanted to hear about developments in the Middle East from the king.
“You live in a difficult environment,” he said.
Abdullah said the area had many challenges.
“You can always count on me, my country and many of our colleagues in this region,” he told Biden.
Abdullah will have breakfast working with Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday at the vice president’s residence.
He will also meet with the State Secretary Antony Blinken in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Abdullah played a unique role in the Middle East, seen by US officials as moderate and pragmatic leaders who could play a mediation role.
He was the first Middle East leader who visited the Biden White building, to be attended on July 26 by Prime Minister of Iraq Mustafa al-Kadhimi.
US and Israeli officials were working on the immediate meeting scheduling between Biden and New Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett.
A senior Biden Administrative official said the presidential talks with the king were expected to touch on the way ahead of Israel and Palestine with Bennett recently replaced Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister of Israel.
Tension remained high after the 11-day war in May between Israeli and Hamas guerrillas in Gaza.
Standing Abdullah in his own country can appear in the conversation.
Jordan’s image as stability island in the middle east which was turbulent was called after Prince Hamza was accused of planning to disrupt the country in April.
Biden has offered full support to Abdullah, who joined the White House by his wife, Ratu Rania.
Other potential topics are the future of the Abraham Trump-era agreement, the normalization agreement has achieved between Israel and four Arab countries, negotiating with Iran over its nuclear program and the Syrian humanitarian crisis, the official said.

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