Biden returned home to face music after a brutal election – News2IN

Biden returned home to face music after a brutal election

Biden returned home to face music after a brutal election
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden returned from Europe Wednesday to the storm over the defeat of embarrassing elections for his democratic party – it was adjacent to a fracture that threatened to take his domestic reform sweeping in Congress.
In the middle of the rating of the approval and frustration of Biden’s climbing on the mandir economic agenda, Republican red waves swept the eastern United States Tuesday, from Virginia Beach to Staten Island.
The Republican Party attracted the decisive annoyance in the gubernatorial election in Virginia who was trending blue, with newcomers Glenn Youbkin defeated the Democrats Terry McAuliffe, while democratic control of the governor’s house in New Jersey was hung with threads.
A few hours before the poll was closed, Biden had voiced the trust of the voices in Dominion and Garden State Lama, refused advice in any case that they were a decision on his presidency.
“I don’t see the evidence that I’m fine or not, whether I will pass or not, or not, will have a real impact on victory and lose,” the President told reporters.
But the screen moment is divided highlighting its different wealth at home and abroad, when he returned to Washington just as Yanggkkin gave his victory speech at Richmond.
Biden, who campaigned as a centric but had ruled on the left, facing Jalan Duri to the middle of the semester of November 2022 when he played peace between the increasingly polarized democratic faction that had been united.
The President offers a brave action on the climate in Glasgow, but the lack of progress in Washington in the purpose of the environment echoed through COP26, underlining the damage caused by the agenda based on the month.
In the midst of a broken recording, you might plan the return of the McAuliffe by utilizing worries of parents on the public school curriculum they consider frustrated too liberal and fostering with Biden, which swept 10 points only a year ago.
Democrats have personally warned for weeks that MCAULIFFE losses can stop moderately carelessly on an expansive scale of the plan of two trillion $ 3 trillion Biden to change infrastructure and enlarge the social safety net.
Tuesday’s bad news tends to trigger a counter-attack of what is called the mod squad to the perception that Biden allows progressive to attract the party too far to the left, and encourage the perception that the party does not know how to go beyond legislation.
For progressive, it is a small cubal from the Democrat Central who sank McAuliffe by blocking the provisions for child care, recipe for recipe drug reforms and paid family leave from Biden rebuilt a better social expenditure bill, the second pillar of his economic vision.
In fact, the congress has nothing to do with the most damaging of the McAuliffe campaign, when he said on September 29 debate with you maybe: “I think parents must notify the school what they should teach.” The statement became a ban for a bitter conservative rally for masks in schools and misled by the idea of ​​false republicans that “critical race theory” was taught to their children.
The latest poll by Gallup places Biden’s approval below 43 percent – the second lowest of any US leader at this stage from the first term since the 1950s, after Donald Trump.
The President will strive to use the election insults as a wake up call to spur the ranking and files in Congress in action – but whether the Democrats have lessons that really learn still to be seen.
The statement coming out of the party after a famous defeat due to lack of their introspection, with McAuliffe finally spoke local problems that had never really part of his message during the election, he tried to make a referendum in Trump.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Jaime Harrison admitted that McAuliffe and his running friends “appeared short,” but did not offer an analysis of the reason.
Peter Loge, a professor of public affairs at the University of George Washington, offered entertainment crumbs to those who feared party death, showing that the election of the Governor of Virginia almost always served as the first chance of voters to play a new presidential party.
“What I think, the White House must be done now is to go to Democrats in Congress and other Democrats throughout the country and say, see, here are the sound details,” Loge said.
“This is what voters say to us …
let’s focus on what’s important – and it’s family, it’s school, it’s a job, it’s inflation.”

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