Biden wants the Afghan exit to end the role of Global US police – News2IN

Biden wants the Afghan exit to end the role of Global US police

Biden wants the Afghan exit to end the role of Global US police
Written by news2in

Washington: “America returned,” Goes US President Joe Joe Biden, but the exercise exit of Afghanistan shows America will not return to business as usual.
Outside the evacuation trauma Kabul, Biden is throwing a much more broad retreat: cessation to use extensive military resources to impose orders and US values ​​around the planet.
“This decision about Afghanistan is not only about Afghanistan,” Biden said in what was seen as a historic speech on Tuesday.
“It’s about ending the era of large military operations to re-create other countries.” “Human rights will be at the center of our foreign policy but the way to do it is not through the spread of military endlessly,” he said.
“Our strategy must change.” Benjamin Haddad, Director of the European Center in the Atlantic Council and an expert in transatlantic relations, called speeches “one of the rejection of liberal internationalism that was most fluent by the US President in the past few decades.” For Americans who like to imagine their country as a unique and unbeatable cold war winner, then extraordinary military intervention everywhere from Iraq to Africa since then – this is a surprise.
However, for the most part, polls showed Pivot Biden tended to be popular.
The Biden Presidency is usually seen as Donald Trump’s administrative rejection.
It’s true that many things – from things like the White House decorum to re-enter the Paris climate.
The World Police “- is Trumpian.
When Biden announced” it’s time to end the war forever, “About Afghanistan,” it can easily become a Trump, “said Charles Franklin, a professor of Marquette law school and director of Marquette poll.
Today” Public Not committed to a large international role, of course unlike the US played in the 1950s in the 1990s, “Franklin told AFP.
Regarding Afghanistan in particular, polls showed strong support for 77 percent, according to the New Washington poll Post-ABC – Even if Biden takes a beating by a chaotic withdrawal His government moved quickly to restore Washington to the center of winding negotiations between great strength and Iran over K His nuclear accepts, climate ties, and traditional alliances such as NATO.
June trip to Europe for the G7 and NATO Summits – the only Biden overseas journey to date – resembles a diplomatic equivalent of a band that returns together.
However, now, some of these allies may feel nervous, analysts said.
Tricia Bacon, a counter-terrorist expert at the American University Legal Department, told AFP that the Allies felt a “fair level of frustration” for a lack of coordination in the US from Afghanistan.
US message “must be very consistent to regain lost credibility,” he said.
And the HARB Imad, research director in the Arab Center in Washington, said European partners were not the only ones who wondered.
“The Arab regime that is accustomed to close relations with the United States must be worried about what happened in Afghanistan,” he wrote on the Think Tank website.
“Biden might finally draw curtains on American military intervention in the wider Middle East,” HARB said.
Calling Biden’s post-withdrawal speech “Sober,” said HARB said “the contour ‘Doctrine Biden'” will sow “trepidation” in all regions that for two decades do not know other US intervention.

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