Biden, XI holds the first phone call in seven months: White House – News2IN

Biden, XI holds the first phone call in seven months: White House

Biden, XI holds the first phone call in seven months: White House
Written by news2in

Washington: US President Joe Biden spoke with Chinese partners Xi Jinping for the first time in seven months Thursday, urged them to ensure that “competition” between the two strengths did not become “conflict,” the word “said the White House.
During a call, the Biden message is that The United States wants to ensure “dynamics remain competitive and that we do not have a situation in the future where we turn into unwanted conflicts,” said a senior US government official to reporters.
This is the first call of leaders since February, when they talked For two hours, shortly after Biden took over from Donald Trump.
The US-Chinese relationship goes to Telukun under Trump, which launches the trade war between the world number one and two economics.
Biden administration, while urging multilateralism and ending the ideology of “the first American” Trump, has maintained trading rates in place and remains tough in the controversial contract area den Gan Beijing.
However, the White House implies that diplomatic deadlock is not sustainable and potentially dangerous, requires intervention by leaders in Thursday’s call.
“We welcome intense competition, but we do not want the competition to turn into the conflict,” the official said, who spoke with the terms of anonymously, told reporters.
The purpose of the call is to set the “fence fence” so that the relationship can be “responsible managed.” Lower level efforts to engage with China have not gone well, especially in the exchanging of March angry between the State Secretary Antony Blinken and Chinese high-ranking officials when they met at Anchorage, Alaska.
“We haven’t been very satisfied with our opponent’s behavior,” senior officials told reporters.
Accusing Chinese people mostly “did not want to be involved in” serious or substantive talks, said the official, “We do not believe that it is how the state’s actions are responsible, especially given the importance of US-China competition.” Facing the deadlock, “President Biden understood the importance of involving President XI directly,” the official said.
According to the reading of the White House after the call, Biden and XI have “areas discussed where our interests meet, and the areas where our interests, values, and perspectives are different.” Thursday’s call focuses on the “broad and strategic” problem, without concrete decisions expected on extraordinary problems or establishing the first Biden-XI Summit, the official said.
List of disagreements between Washington and Beijing long and developing.
Outside of trading, with White House officials complain “China’s unfair and coercive trade practices,” there is tension which is increasingly in Chinese claims to Taiwan and many islands in the South China Sea.
There is an area where the two strengths also find themselves must work together or at least coordinate, including in the North Korean nuclear weapons program and the climate crisis.
But Thursday’s call was “not about finding a kind of breakthrough agreement,” said the senior official.
It was “about keeping the communication channel open” and end the previous cycle where the relationship blew hot and cold.
“Our goal is, it really reaches a steady state between the United States and China,” the official said.
Biden, who built a close relationship with XI while serving as vice president under Barack Obama, clearly has confidence in the power of personal contact when it comes to diplomacy.
He went to a call hoping to bridge for those who grow and “have such discussions.
They certainly made their first phone call in February,” said the senior government official.

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