Biden, Xi Virtual Summit concluded after 3 hours, 24 minutes – News2IN

Biden, Xi Virtual Summit concluded after 3 hours, 24 minutes

Biden, Xi Virtual Summit concluded after 3 hours, 24 minutes
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: A very anticipated meeting between US President Joe Biden and Chinese partner Xi Jinping concluded on Tuesday afternoon (Beijing time) after a virtual peak which lasted for more than three hours, local media reported.
Both leaders exchange views on bilateral relations and mutual interest issues.
The meeting was held in the midst of deteriorating the relationship between Beijing and Washington on several problems.
Virtual meetings last for 3 hours and 24 minutes, Chinese Media Times Times Global Tabloid reported.
The United States will always insist on its values, its universal rules and countries must follow them, US President Joe Biden said at the beginning of a virtual meeting that was very anticipated with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
“We have responsibility to the world, as well as to our people.
– I have talked about this – all countries must play with the same road rules, why the US will always defend our interests and values ​​and people from allies and Our partner, “said the White House pool quoted Biden.
In his opening speech, Biden emphasized the need to collaborate “especially on vital global problems such as climate change.” “We have responsibility to the world and also for our people,” said Biden during his meeting.
Chinese President, on the other hand, expressed his readiness to work with the Biden government to build a consensus to move Chinese relations in the future.
He added that the two countries were in the critical stage of development and human “global villages” faced many challenges.
During his opening comments, XI emphasized that good and stable relationships in China-US were needed to advance the development of each country and to maintain a peaceful and stable international environment.
This is the first meeting between the two leaders since Biden has assumed the office.
Even though both leaders have spoken twice by telephone so far.

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