Bihar: sec gears up to hold rustic polls in the middle of the sidewalk – News2IN

Bihar: sec gears up to hold rustic polls in the middle of the sidewalk

Bihar: sec gears up to hold rustic polls in the middle of the sidewalk
Written by news2in

Patna: With a substantial fall in the number of Covid cases, the State Election Commission (SEC) prepares to conduct Pancrayat elections.
However, the formal date has not been announced.
In the past week and, the Commission issued a set of guidelines for voting and voting officials.
Have asked the officials concerned to comply with Covid guidelines in the polling booth.
“Instructions such as Physical Verification of Pollicers, Evms Storage and Compliance with Covid Guidelines have been issued to the authorities concerned,” said a senior SEC officer.
Officers, who prefer not to be named, said thermal scanning will be carried out in all polling rooms.
“Voters found with high body temperature will be asked to choose during the last hours of polling,” he added.
According to SEC sources, voters who have high body temperature will be released by tokens ranging from one to 100 and asked to choose during the last hour of polling.
This will be mandatory for voting officials to wear face masks and use face shields.
Everyone involved in the voting process must undergo thermal scanning.
The availability of hand sanitizers, soap and water will be ascertained to all polling booths.
Large halls will be used for different purposes so that social distance is maintained, the word guidelines.
The candidates will be given an option to submit their nomination letter online.
The Commission will provide them format nomination through its official website.
Candidates can also issue printouts and fill them to submit physically.
The Commission has also made provisions to realize a penalty from people found violating the specified guidelines.
For example, if someone goes to a voting station without wearing a mask, he will be fined Rs 50 and provides a mask.
Moreover, no more than five people will be allowed to campaign in the group.
There was at all 8003 Panchayats in the state after a few increased to Parishad Nagar by the state government.
The number of pollings has been increased to 1.14 lakh.
Each booth poll will not have more than 850 voters.
As many as 6.38 crore selections are eligible to use their franchise in the election of Panchayat, it is likely to be held in 10 phases.
A little more than 2.58 Lakh poles will be filled in Panceshayats.

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