Bihar: ‘There are no changes in the Inter & Matriculation exam date – News2IN

Bihar: ‘There are no changes in the Inter & Matriculation exam date

Bihar: 'There are no changes in the Inter & Matriculation exam date
Written by news2in

Patna: Minister of Education Vijay Kumar Chaudhary said on Thursday that the Bihar School exam (BSEB) Matric and intermediaries, 2022 will be held on schedule and there will be no change in the exam program that has been announced.
Chaudhary told this newspaper that even if the current situation because the Pandemic Covid-19 continues, the exam will be held under all safety protocols.
Intermediate checks in art, science and trade are scheduled to begin on February 1, while the matrix exam is scheduled for February 17.
“Unless the Covid situation exceeds control, all state-level checks, both theory and practical, will be strictly owned according to the schedule and the results will also be announced in time,” Chaudhary said, adding that last year, BSeb had completed all the tests on time and publish results.
The minister further stressed that the schedule of primary, middle and higher school teachers will also remain unchanged.
According to the schedule released by the State Education Department for the publication of the merit list, candidate counseling for appointment in high school and higher will be completed on February 15 and the appointment letters to selected candidates will be issued on February 17 and 18.
“Teacher counseling and recruitment -Guru Primary school in the third cycle will begin on January 17 and is scheduled to be completed on January 28, “said Minister, adding that the promise of meeting for all the candidates chosen will soon be released afterwards.
He further indicated that the recruitment process of secondary secondary teachers and higher in the seventh phase will also begin as soon as the teacher is urgently needed for more than 5,000 newly enhanced two schools in the state.

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