BJP 3-Tier Settings for Virtual Demonstrations in the Middle of Covid Restrictions – News2IN

BJP 3-Tier Settings for Virtual Demonstrations in the Middle of Covid Restrictions

BJP 3-Tier Settings for Virtual Demonstrations in the Middle of Covid Restrictions
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Because of the prohibition of physical demonstrations and extended road shows for one more week, BJP has made a complicated plan to hold a demonstration and virtual meeting in all assembly constituents in five polls.
The Saffron party has set up three levels of the national level, the state to district for virtual demonstrations.
From the spread of technical experts in each assembly constituency, BJP has made a multi-camera regulated at the district level in Uttar Pradesh to broadcast demonstrations of senior leaders.
The source said that for virtual addresses starting a set-up campaign at the national level in the national capital.
“Arrangements are made at the national level for the virtual address of national leaders and star campaigners,” said the source.
Likewise, in all settings of poll countries are being made in state capital for the virtual address of state leaders and other star campaigners.
In Uttar Pradesh, the largest country where polls will be held, BJP has made special and complicated arrangements at the state, zone and district levels.
“All the infrastrukts needed for demonstrations or virtual meetings have been placed throughout Uttar Pradesh.
We have divided the arrangements at three levels in Uttar Pradesh.
At the state level, the settings have been made in the state capital, similar settings have been carried out on the zone level and Regency.
According to the plan, a star campaigner and senior leader can use settings at any level to virtually discuss voters, “said senior official Uttar Pradesh BJP BJP.
Uttar Pradesh BJP also uses Multi Camera settings and technology to make a 3-D impact during a virtual demonstration of a star campaign.
“This time set the studio using multi cam and technology to create 3-D effects,” said the leader BJP Uttar Pradesh other.
BJP also gets software designed as needed and trained workers to use it.
The logistics support needed is also given to workers at the assembly level to effectively hold virtual demonstrations without interruption.
President Punjab BJP Ashwani Sharma told Ian that all arrangements for virtual demonstrations of party leaders had been made and technical experts had been deployed at any assembly constituency.
“Our workers are trained to manage virtual and logistical demonstrations it has been set.
We also use one or two technical experts to help our workers to withstand virtual glitch errors,” Sharma said.
In the State of Uttarakhand, the Saffron Party also sent experts at every assembly constituency and established a studio in Dehradun to function as the main link of all public meetings and virtual meetings.
“Senior leaders will overcome virtual demonstrations from the studio in Dehradun.
The link will send to all select assembly chairs in their cellphones to join the rally,” said an official BJP Uttarakhand.
A leader BJP Center said that similar settings have been made in all states of polls, including Manipur and Goa and all the assistance needed to be given to the State Unit to smoothly secure virtual demonstrations.
“We are ready to hold a general meeting and virtual meeting.
We are fully prepared to follow any guidelines issued by the Election Commission),” he added.
On Saturday, ECI expanded a ban on physical demonstrations and road shows until January 22, however, it has enabled political parties to meet a maximum of 300 people or 50 percent of the capacity of the hall or the specified limit.
Stipulated by the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA).

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