BJP makes cracks between minorities: CPM Kerala Secretariat – News2IN

BJP makes cracks between minorities: CPM Kerala Secretariat

BJP makes cracks between minorities: CPM Kerala Secretariat
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: The CPM State Secretariat has observed that there have been efforts taken into account in the past to destroy communal harmony applicable in the state.
However, it has not succeeded because countries are very aware of the motives and the people behind such a campaign.
Speaking after a meeting of the State Secretariat, Secretary of the CPM acting A Vijayaraghavan said that CPM argued that the effort would be very rejected by the rally in the country.
BJP and religious fundamentalist organizations are behind the movement.
BJP not only tried to make divisions in the majority community, there is now an effort to create cracks among the minority community too, he added.
He said that through social media and also in other ways some strength had tried to destroy the peaceful atmosphere that applies in the state.
But there is no favorable response from the state for the extremism and that is the reason why all these efforts fail here.
“Certain religions should not be blamed for extremist activities carried out by parts of people or fundamental groups.
These efforts will disrupt communal harmony applicable in the state.
CPM always stands for the unity of the people and there is no effort to destroy the country’s secular credentials to be tolerated, “He said.
Replying to questions, Vijayaraghavan said the Union Muslim League India experienced the worst internal crisis.
Anti-women IUML policy will be very damaging the party.

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