BJP Mocks Cong with ‘Parivar Bachao’ Jibe Workers Committee – News2IN
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BJP Mocks Cong with ‘Parivar Bachao’ Jibe Workers Committee

BJP Mocks Cong with 'Parivar Bachao' Jibe Workers Committee
Written by news2in

NEW DELHI: BJP on Saturday was nicknamed the Congress Work Committee meeting as “Parivar Bachao Work Committee”, accusing no answer to the internal rift problems of the party and the failure of his leadership, and instead of being spoiled in lies.
BJP spokesman Gaurav Bhatia also criticized CWC because it did not react to the brutal murder of a dalit man at the Singhu border, one of the sites for the farmers’ protest, and questioned if the opposition party stood with the “Talibani mindset” behind the murder.
“Anarchist element uses farmers for their politics, said Bhatia.
BJP leader said for the sake of small and inexpensive political banks, opposition parties, especially Congress, will maintain the silence of deafening to this problem.” They will not have the courage to call shovels Shovel because it is not in accordance with their political narrative, “said Bhatia while also attacking the leader of the Rakesh Titikan farmer because of his statement that the organizer could not be blamed for the incident.
Taking a sweep in Sonia Gandhi for his statement that he was” full time and hand on “head Congress, he recorded his status as an interim president of the organization and the demand for non-satisfied party members, referred to as G -23, that it must have a full-time head.
“There is nothing wrong to say that it lacks the work committee of the Congress and more work committees Parivar Bachao (save the family work committee), “he said, Alleged that the comments of Gandhi’s opening did not touch a number of problems faced by the party faced by the party and left questions of people who were not answered about the government managed by congresses in various countries.

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