BJP Weationing The Record of Kashmir Pandits for Garner Votes: Mehbooba Mufti – News2IN

BJP Weationing The Record of Kashmir Pandits for Garner Votes: Mehbooba Mufti

BJP Weationing The Record of Kashmir Pandits for Garner Votes: Mehbooba Mufti
Written by news2in

Jammu: Accusing BJP Kashmiri Pain Removal Weapon to collect sound and further “political broke”, PDP President Mehbooba Mufti on Sunday said Kashmir Muslims must work harder to see the return of their Hindu brothers and sisters.
He said several people related to BJP, who were sitting in the studio in Delhi and claimed to represent the community, spit out reflections and sabbot every meeting point between Pandit and Muslims in the valley.
“They (Pandits Migrant Kashmir) leave their homes for a long time and want to go back but the question is how to do it.
The way BJP has adopted this problem to then create a division between the two communities.
(Pandits and Muslims) rather than uniting,” Mufti gave Know PTI to his party headquarters here.
Five delegates including the Kashmir Pandits met with the former Head of the Minister of Jammu and Kashmir and told him about their problems and concern in the background of the targeted murder recently in the valley.
He said Kashmir Muslim was a “loser” in Pandit migration but to see them back to the valley, ultimately rests on people, especially the new generation, to reach each other and work to build a common brotherhood atmosphere before the militancy eruption in 1990.
“Kashmiri Pandits needs to speak simultaneously and reject personal interests that speak reflection to divide further …
Maybe we (Muslim Kashmir) must work harder to look back on their dignified ways,” said the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) (PDP) (PDP) (PDP) ) say.
Mufti said the targeted killings occurred in the valley even though the previous information with the government that the Pandit would be attacked.
“The murder triggered insecure among the Pandit employees.
Working in the valley forcing them to escape panic.
The height of things is that the government is very Confused which is proven from the fact that sometimes they ask employees to report back to their duties and sometimes they ask them to stay back (in your watch), “he said.
Mufti said PDP patron and former Head of Mufti Mohammad said the program to return with their return with the central government was then led by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh who worked satisfactorily.
“We started building accommodation and transit camps, whether it was in Vessu, Sheikhpora, Mattan or Ganderbal, for Pandit youth employed under the PM job package.
Unfortunately, the process loses its speed below the current dispensation that fails to provide two bedrooms with a kitchen for Such employees despite years, “he said.
Asking the Pandit community to isolate the personal interests that operate the BJP agenda, Mufti said some people from Delhi who tried to represent the entire community spit so much poison all the time so there seemed to have no way of meeting.
“They sabbot every meeting between the two communities because it is in accordance with BJP who surrendered to the pain of Kashmir Garner vote and further their split political agenda,” he said.
Mufti said their venomous statement produced a reaction in Kashmir and there was also a counter-attack on your hour too.
“The problem is that the voices trying to represent Kashmir Pandits is to do extraordinary losses to them by weakening the entire atmosphere.” He said everyone was related to With BJP with not only ideologies but even the opposite too.
“They are connected with BJP in many ways including politics and finance.
So, they are trying to run the BJP narrative.” The State Secretary of PDP RK Pardesi, who is part of the Pandit delegation, said, ” We have lost a lot of generations but dreams to return to the valley are still not fulfilled.
“” Under the leadership of the Mufti (Mohammad Sayeed), a hopeful on our return when the former Main Minister founded accommodation in ‘Dharam Shallas’ in famous temples in Mattan and Ganderbal in 2002.
This step also facilitates the interaction between the two communities That but his death too.
Seize the main community of the community, “said Pardesi.
He said PDP under the leadership of Mehbooba Mufti was the only party with a vision and roadmap to ensure a dignified return and rehabilitation of Pandit in the valley.” BJP has only lip service for the past seven years.
I challenged them to choose even one concrete step that had been taken by the party to return, “he said.
The alleged government failure caused innocent civil killing by militants in the valley, added Pardesi.

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