BJP Widens Namo App Drive to share ideas with PM – News2IN

BJP Widens Namo App Drive to share ideas with PM

BJP Widens Namo App Drive to share ideas with PM
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Delhi Party Unit Bharatiya Janata (BJP) has intensified the campaign to map the application of Namo – built to interact with the Prime Minister’s office directly – in the national capital to help party members and civil society share their complaints and better understand the government’s welfare scheme.
The BJP Delhi unit was led by Party’s State Incharge Baijayant Panda, Delhi President Adesh Gupta and other leaders had paired the Mera Booth, the Sabse Mazboot campaign, which was launched to empower party boot workers, to download the four-year-old application for interactive.
Communication with members.
Secretary General BJP Delhi Kuljeet Chahal said that the drive launched on July 11 will continue up to 30 with the target to see at least 10 lakh downloads.
“My BJP Delhi unit under my senior leaders including Panda Ji and Adesh Ji is to see a smooth and easy application cover that helps people know about the main works and government welfare policies starting from the ease of archiving income tax for PDS Free shipping backpack into free vaccination to start Indian initiatives.
Our team visits various parts of Delhi to help people know how they can share complaints and extract the benefits of the government’s intentionives, “Chahal said.
This application provides opportunities for workers or people to meet PM directly and add public initi and help share ideas and suggestions that are often part of Mann Ki Baat.
This application encourages people to share ideas, raise concerns and contribute to BJP with micro donations.

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