Black magician rape, blackmail in myself – News2IN

Black magician rape, blackmail in myself

Written by news2in

Letter: A 42-year-old woman filed a complaint of rape against the Black Witch (Tantrik) with the Sarthana Police Station on Tuesday.
The police have submitted violations of rape and are investigating this problem.
According to the police, the woman who lives in the Sarthana area with her husband and two children told the police that he was in touch with his own style teacher, aka Mansukh Mandani, a resident of Vishalnagar in Sarthana and also a relatively far from him, about five years ago.
He began to visit his place often and he began to admire him.
Then, on behalf of the ritual, he called him to his place and began to have a physical relationship with him.
He also clicked on their intimate picture and used this to squeeze it for more sexual attacks.
Finally, the woman gathered courage and approached the police to file her complaint.
Hearing one of his visits, the defendant told the woman that he had some special power and solved people’s problems.
Believing in his conversation, a woman whose husband worked as a land broker in the city, received Mandani as a teacher and they developed a good relationship, he said.
In 2016, Mandani told them that their homes were surrounded by some evil forces blocking their growth, and following his advice, the couple even changed their homes.
After this episode, the woman began to trust him completely and follow all his suggestions.
In February 2020, Mandani told him that he had to do some religious rituals for his husband and children, the opposite would face serious problems in their lives or could even be mentally ill.
Hearing this, the woman gave approval of the ritual and reached the Mandani house as directed.
During the ritual, Mandan began to take off his clothes, and when he protested, he threatened to kill her husband and then raped him and also clicked on a obscene image.
Pases, he will use this to squeeze it for rape and he cannot bulk is there that out of fear for their lives.
On Tuesday, he could not stand it anymore and tell his trials to her husband who helped him file a police complaint against him.

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