Black pastor rally outside the trial for Arbery’s murder – News2IN

Black pastor rally outside the trial for Arbery’s murder

Black pastor rally outside the trial for Arbery's murder
Written by news2in

Brunswick: Hundreds of pastors prayed and prayed on Thursday at the Georgia Courthouse where three white men were at the trial in the murder of Ahmed Arbery, gathered in response to the offer of defense lawyers out of the courtroom.
Because of the testimony returned in the Glynn County courthouse, with four large columns, curved shaded windows and grass, a group of most black ministers gathered outside the ocean of dark suit and white collar.
Many carry signs of reading, “black pastor problems”, and several buttons wearing Arbery images and the tags they use for this case, “#justiceForahmaud”.
Vendors sell t-shirts under one tent while a woman under water and other snacks and asks people to contribute to pickled jars.
Al Sharpton announced a rally after a defense lawyer intensified frustration in the coastal community of Georgia from Brunswick when he said he did not want “more black pastors” sitting in the courtroom with the Arbery family.
When the crowd grew out, Rev.
Jesse Jackson once again joined the Arbery family in the courtroom.
Gregory Edwards broadcasts Facebook directly video back to his friends in Allentown, Pennsylvania, where he is a priest of the community of the living community that has been raised, the church of Christ United.
As soon as a call for the pastors came to Brunswick out, said Edwards, he reset his schedule to fly.
“I will walk,” said Edwards, who also run a multi-multipten community organizing group.
Edwards said he was crying when he saw the video of the 25-year-old black man’s death and thought of three adult black sons.
“Through technology, we have been forced to testify about the public execution of our black brothers and sisters,” Edwards said.
A group of businesses in Brunswick and surrounding surrounding Glynn County joined together to provide a free barbecue sandwich lunch, shrimp and side dishes before the pastor rolled.
Organizer Mike Mally said the group wanted to show that the community was united, not divided by race.
“We think this is a good thing to do with all these visitors,” Mally said.
Mobile video from Arbery’s death on February 23, 2020, leaked online about two months later, deepened national protests for racial injustice.
Defense argued Arbery was killed in self-defense.
The man who shot Arbery, Travis McMichael, testified on Thursday that Arbery did not speak, showed a weapon or threatened him in any way before he raised his rifle and pointed him to him.

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