Blast Twin kills 20, hurt 50 in Kabul – News2IN

Blast Twin kills 20, hurt 50 in Kabul

Blast Twin kills 20, hurt 50 in Kabul
Written by news2in

Islamabad: More than 20 people were killed and about 50 injuries when two explosions – followed by the target of Afghanistan’s biggest military hospital in Kabul on Tuesday.
The bombing was followed by a feather indiscriminate shot from the hospital.
There was no claim directly responsibility but the Afghan media, quoted witnesses, reported that a number of fighters from the Islamic state-khorasan (IS-K) had entered the hospital and clashed with security forces.
Bilal Karimi, Deputy Spokesman for the Islamic Emirates, said the explosion occurred at the entrance of the hospital 400 Sardar Bed Daud Khan in the neighborhood of Kabul Vizir Akbar Khan.
“Security forces were deployed to the area, there was no information about the victim,” Karimi posted on Twitter.
Other Taliban officials were quoted by Media Afghanistan said that the suicide bomber and gunmen were involved in the attack.
“The attack was initiated by a suicide bomber on a motorcycle that blew himself to the hospital entrance,” said anonymously.
He claims that all attackers have been killed.
Habib Rahman, a doctor at David Khan Hospital, said that at least 20 people were killed and more than 50 others were injured.
He added that the number of victims could be higher because a number of people were beaten by the first explosion at the entrance.
The photos distributed by residents showed smoke feathers who were billowing from the explosion site in the previous diplomatic zone.
One of the videos, was arrested from the tall building nearby, showed armed shooting, ran and hid in the courtyard of the hospital.
Sardar David Hospital has been targeted before.
In 2011, the Taliban suicide bombers blew into the facility, killing six people.
In 2017, Is-K terrorists were disguised when the doctors killed 30 people during the six-hour siege ended when Afghan security forces killed the attackers.
The shipping container full of physical remnants of the army who had struggled for former government was still held at the same government hospital.
According to the Taliban defense ministry, their families have not been identified.
Afghanistan has been involved in the crisis since the Taliban overthrew the Afghan government supported by America in August.
Billions of dollars in assistance stopped and the international community has warned that the country will soon fall into chaos.
Last Friday, three guests were shot dead and more than a dozen were injured at a wedding reception in Jalalabad, the capital of East Nangarhar Province, apparently because the music was played at the event.
IS-K has also increased violence throughout the country and has carried out a series of attacks on mosques and other targets since the Taliban took control of the country.
This group seems to take advantage of the difficulties of the Taliban in securing the city centers.

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