Blinken is looking for a shared foundation in the Taliban, Meet Afghans at the German Pangkalan – News2IN

Blinken is looking for a shared foundation in the Taliban, Meet Afghans at the German Pangkalan

Blinken is looking for a shared foundation in the Taliban, Meet Afghans at the German Pangkalan
Written by news2in

United States Secretary Antony Blinken was looking for Wednesday to build a united Front with countries shaken by Afghan withdrawal when he consulted allies and heard stories from refugees in the air base in Germany.
Ramstein was a second base visit in a few days by Blinken who toured Qatar on Tuesday, when he thanked the US civil and military officials behind one of the biggest airlift history after Afghanistan fell to the Taliban.
At the base, Blinken and his servants met German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas before leading the minister of Virtual 20-Country which included European allies and historical supporters of Taliban Pakistan.Blinken said he would work “with many other countries to talk about the road in Afghanistan.
“At the entrance to the vast hangar where some of the 11,000 Afghans in Ramstein were waiting for flights to the United States, flashing away and showed photos on his own telephone to Mustafa Mohammadi’s four-year-old son, a military veteranist who worked with Changed US embassy.
Blinken, a stepchild of a Holocaust savior and a long time for refugees, also traveled the emergency house for some children who lost their parents.
“My name is Tony,” he said.
“Who plays volleyball? What about football?” “Many, many, many Americans really look forward to welcoming you and asking you to come to the United States,” he said.
Depending on the wall is a work of art by children, including a photo of a girl on a cliff under the dark blue sky with a broken heart and message in English, “Tell my mother I miss you.” A boy is served flashing with a shirt with children’s names, Afghan flags and an inscription “for Sir Blinken.” “I will use this in Washington and can tell everyone where I get it,” he said to their laughter.
The United States and its allies evacuated around 123,000 people, most Afghans were afraid of Taliban retribution, in the last days of the 20-year US War which was ended with President Joe Biden last month.
But US officials admitted that more and said that the Taliban had agreed to let them go.
In virtual talks with 20 other countries including European allies, Blinken is likely to try to sustain international pressure on the Taliban to make good at their promises.
Talks can also bring coordination on how to deal with the caregiver government announced on Tuesday, which does not have female or non-Taliban members and includes domestic ministers who are united by dealing with charges of terrorism.
The United States said it was “worried” by the government makeup, but would judge it with his actions.
US officials have emphasized that any official recognition of the Taliban government remotely.
Maas said the goal of Wednesday’s meeting was “to clarify what a shared approach to the Taliban could look like”.
“Afghans cannot be blamed for the powerful Taliban.
And they do not deserve to get the international community to turn it now,” said Maas in a statement.
Germany, like many US ally, has celebrated Biden’s victory over Donald Trump and the emphasis of the new government states working with all over the world.
But even a number of close allies have criticized how Biden ended the 20-year war in Afghanistan, which leads to a government-backed government destroyed in a few days.
Armin Laschet, leader of the ruling party and German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s candidate to replace it, described the Afghan mission as a “biggest assistance” in NATO history.
Biden has long been liked from Afghanistan, on the grounds that the US-led NATO mission has achieved the core objectives of accountability for attacks on September 11, 20 years ago this week and that the United States may not invest blood or further treasure in sustaining a weak government.

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