BMC bid to buy sputnik from Dr. Reddy failed – News2IN

BMC bid to buy sputnik from Dr. Reddy failed

BMC bid to buy sputnik from Dr. Reddy failed
Written by news2in

Mumbai: BMC finally ignored his plan to buy Sputnik V vaccines for the city.
After rejecting all the nine offers for his global interest expressions (EOI) and closing it in June without success, BMC has reached the Laboratory of Dr.
Reddy to buy Sputnik V vaccines on the basis of experiments.
But the Civic body decided to hand over the idea because the company could not do sufficient dose in the specified timeline.
BMC wants to get a dose of crore vaccine, but all nine proposals are rejected because suppliers cannot submit required documents, especially to set a direct connection with the manufacturer, an official said.
Seven of these companies have offered to supply Sputnik V.
BMC then said in a statement that he held talks with the Laboratory of Dr.
Reddy who had a single distribution right for Russian Sputnik vaccines in India, and the company has agreed to supply ‘experimental bases’ on late June.
“Reddy laboratories indicate the willingness to supply some experimental sputnik vaccine stocks at the end of June.
But they cannot be committed to the number of doses.
However, the company wants to fill BMC to supply an experimental vaccine.
There is no clarity on the timeline too, so we have called the conversation , “said P Velatan, an additional municipal commissioner (project).
“There are also logistical problems because separate cold shortages must be arranged for sputnik vaccines.
In addition, the central government has changed the vaccine policy and there is enough supply now.
So there is no need to buy a vaccine from Dr.
Reddy’s,” Velatuu further added.
An official shows because the cold storage facilities needed for sputnik vaccines are not the same as those needed for covaxin and covishield, the civil body has decided to get a small number of doses on the basis of experiments, and the scale later.
In a joint statement in June, the Russian development investment fund and Laboratory Dr.
Reddy said Dr.
Reddy had a single distribution rights for the first 250 million doses of Sputnik V vaccines in India.
“We are currently in our silence period, and do not want to comment,” said Laboratories Dr.
Reddy responded to requests from TOI.

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