Mumbai: BMC has canceled its annual exhibition of fruits, flowers, and vegetables that are held each February at Byculla Zoo this year as the pandemic Covid-19.
“In February every year the exhibition of flowers, fruit and vegetables held in February.
It was attended by delegates from across the country.
However, the virus Covid-19 is still prevalent.
Against this background, the exhibition of flowers, fruits, fruit -buahan, fruits and vegetables for February-2022 have been canceled due to difficulties in preparation and possible third wave Covid-19, “BMC said in the release.
Under the protection and preservation law of Maharashtra (urban areas), 1975, flower exhibitions, fruits, and vegetables, trees, or seeds held every year by BMC.
This exhibition was held in the last week of January or the first week of February.
The exhibition duration is three days.
About two to three Lakh residents and school children visited the exhibition for three days.
In addition, various officials, as well as leading personalities, visit exhibitions regularly.