BMC to NGT: Cannot access Lake Powai, Walkway is a must – News2IN

BMC to NGT: Cannot access Lake Powai, Walkway is a must

BMC to NGT: Cannot access Lake Powai, Walkway is a must
Written by news2in

Mumbai: BMC has complained to the National Green Tribunal, Pune, that “Virtually prevented” from accessing Powai Lake by the Institute of Technology India, Bombay, Renaissance Hotel and other personal lessons.
Furthermore accused the Kuchcha line along the wall of a compound hotel used by Lumpen elements and drugs.
In his written statement, BMC said the proposed path is very important for the right lake protection and maintenance and will allow civilian maintenance staff to have access to all parts of the lake.
The Department of Forest in Affidavit has suggested establishing a team of wildlife experts to study Lake Crocodile Habitat with special emphasis on nesting and sun sites.
Affidavits was submitted in return for applications by Vanasti NGOs on the construction of cycling lines by BMC around the lake.
BMC can then take steps to prevent waste thrown into the lake directly by the culverts / pipelines or by joining waste pipes through storm waterways,” said a written statement.
The problem arose before the court to hear on Wednesday.
The advice for BMC claims IIT does not listen to BMC, where NGT observes that it is the BMC task to regulate construction and must demand IIT for violations of law.
Tribunal said the land was the subject of the country under the constitution.
For this, BMC claims that IIT does not allow access to the lake.
NGT said he would order the police to offer protection to BMC.
In a written statement, the Ministry of Forestry said it was freshwater lake and not part of the forest or protected area and lies within the BMC area.
“The lake does have a decent swamp crocodile population, who has lived here for decades and (we) captured the adverse effects on the story of pollution and construction of cycling and jogging,” Affidavit said.
The Ministry of Forestry has suggested establishing a team of wildlife experts because Marsh Crocodile has been given the highest level of legal protection under wildlife protection law.
The team, he said, must be allowed to study crocodile lake habitats with special emphasis on sites nesting and sunbathing.
“The cumulative influence of continuous pollution of various sources makes high-crocodile probabilities can be influenced in the long run with a reduction in fish, chemical-induced diseases or damage to reproductive physiology.
It is very important that disposal waste and also using toxic chemicals stopped,” said the statement reading written.
NGT has heard all parties finally ordered the case to get past the last order.

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