Born when the mother in the ventilator, as high as 21 days to go home – News2IN

Born when the mother in the ventilator, as high as 21 days to go home

Kolkata: He lost his mother for Covid only a day after he opened his eyes to this world.
Prematurely born after the emergency part of his mother is in ventilation, the life of a newborn baby is also under the clouds.
However, twenty days later, the baby was suitable to go home and reunited with his father, a 10-year-old brother and grandparents.
It is thanks to the entire team of doctors at the College Medical College and the Hospital (MCH), who babies above the baby, that the 21-day fighters have received new levies.
On June 21, the doctor at the hospital had conducted a summit section in a 31-year-old Rakhi Mandal Biswas.
Recognized with severe covid pneumonitis on June 12, Bongoan Resident’s condition continued to sink.
The oxygen requirements continue to increase even on support.
When saturation fell to 60%, his doctor knew that Covid was a threat to the 32-week fetus.
Immediately put Rakhi on ventilation, doctors conducted an emergency operation to save the unborn child, and an attempt to put the 31-year-old player in ECMO support.
But he could not be saved and passed hours after shipment.
“If it’s not for emergency part-c, we can lose the baby too,” said Parha Mukherjee, head of the gynecology at MCH.
Immediately after premature birth, the pediatric team stands beside the bed in the operating theater to take care of the baby.
“He did not cry after birth, was in severe respiratory pressure, which he had to resuscitate immediately after birth,” said Dinesh Munian, who was responsible for the newborn treatment unit (SNCU).
The baby immediately put on a mechanical vent and shifted to SNCU.
Even when the negative results are negative coming in a relief for documents, the team must constantly monitor it when he struggles to breathe even though it is in invasive ventilation.
However, with treatment and care, the condition gradually starts to improve and he shifts to non-invasive ventilation first and then to CPAP.
Then still, he was transferred to normal oxygen support until he began to breathe himself.
“The 22-day-old trip has come with many bends and turns,” said Dibychaudhuri, Assistant Professor Pediatriatri at MCH.
“He now ate full oral, has gained weight and in healthy conditions, and can be sent home.
It is a great team work by the Neonatal Unit and the Department of Gynatal & and Midwifery,” he added.
The baby family too, admitted great support from all teams of doctors and nurses.
“They took care of the baby very well, almost as if he was alone.
Only this helped him win the battle against death,” said Mita Mandal, his grand-aunt, who was also a sister-in-changthe in the hospital emergency unit.
“We have read and heard about Covid taking a trapping parent, making their children orphans.
He is lucky in the sense that he has a 10-year-old boy, grandparents and brothers who can not wait to meet him.
The only one.
Our concern is that the 10-year-old boy will ask why his mother hasn’t returned with his sister.

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