Brain care center & mind open the door – News2IN

Brain care center & mind open the door

Written by news2in

Coimbatore: Sri Ramakrishna Hospital based in the city and Buddhi clinic based in Chennai opened the center of brain and thoughts here on Monday.
The company plans to combine scientific knowledge along with ancient medical practices such as Ayurveda to treat neurological and mental health problems.
They hope that an integrated approach will improve the quality of life for patients with neuro defects and mental health problems.
This center has created various interventions for pain, mental health, lifestyle and disability, said Dr.
Ennappadam Buddhi clinic.
“Allopathy, along with traditional healing therapy, can restore brain balance and mind interface.
This integrated approach offers 14 non-pharmacological treatment modalities which are the combination of modern science and ancient wisdom,” he said.
This center will offer patients choice to reduce integrated treatment programs tailored to their specific needs.
“We respect and understand the preferences of each patient and involve them in mutual decision making.
We call it a ‘choice’ model, which is more suitable for mild disorders and chronic or progressive health conditions,” Krishnameorthy said.
Some services offered by the Center include transcranial magnetic stimulation that help deal with symptoms of depression, transcranial direct current.
Stimulation to treat brain injury or severe neuropsiciatric disorders and transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation that stimulate the auricular branch of the vagus nerve which is believed to be additional treatment for epilepsy bias.

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