Brands at Pune live prager, consumers are confused – News2IN

Brands at Pune live prager, consumers are confused

Brands at Pune live prager, consumers are confused
Written by news2in

Pune: Traders and consumers in the city are not happy with administrative decisions to continue restrictions, including the 4pm limit for shops and weekend closures for outlets that sell unimportant items.
Fatehchand Ranka, President of the Federation of All Pune Trade Associations, “We have written to the authorities with a request to revise Timing up to 11am – 19:00, but we are not even called to voice our concerns.” Revealing his concern for the helpless owner of salon and parlors.
Beauty in Pune, Ganesh Warung, who works with Maharashtra President Nabhik Mahamandal, said, “It is not financially feasible for the business owner to keep their company open when there are no customers during hours permitted.” Ganesh Shetty, President of Pune and Amerigo Restaurant Association, said members were disappointed with the decision.
“The authorities have promised us that they will see reconsider their decision about deadlines for restaurants,” he said.
There has been no relaxation of the norm in the country’s countryside starting in February.
Narendra Gujarati, President of the Baramati Traders Association, said, “The government needs to form a strategy to create a conducive atmosphere for traders.” Hotels, restaurants and restaurants have not been allowed to start eating services in rural areas for the past four months.
“People don’t come to take takeaways in rural areas,” said Pandurang Kurhade, a restaurant owner in Khed Tehsil.
Similar sentiments were expressed by the owner of the roadside in other Tehabha.
“We used to get bookings in advance on weekends.
But now there are no customers,” said Sakent Jagtap, who manages a restaurant on the highway in Bhor Tehsil.
Sandesh Shah, wholesale garment from Shirur, said, “Large functions such as village exhibition were canceled.
This greatly affects our business.”

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