British health chairman recommends Jab Covid for children aged 12-15 years – News2IN

British health chairman recommends Jab Covid for children aged 12-15 years

British health chairman recommends Jab Covid for children aged 12-15 years
Written by news2in

LONDON: All children aged between 12 and 15 years must be offered but are not required to take vaccinations against Coronavirus, the head of the medical officer who suggested four British governments, said on Monday.
England has become one of the loudest in the country by Covid-19, recording more than 134,000 of their deaths that capture this disease.
Even though the vaccination program was successful, the price of cases remained very high due to the appearance of the Delta variant, and anxious officials about them increased further now that the school had returned after the summer vacation.
Children’s vaccination has become a thornful problem, even though other countries push forward with Jabs.
Combined Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI), which suggests the British health department on immunization, currently says “benefit margins, based on health perspectives, are considered too small to support advice on the 12th universal vaccination program for children aged 15 years this “.
But the Head of the British Medical Officer (CMO), Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland said the vaccine must be available, after taking into account wider problems such as education and mental health.
CMOS said vaccination 12-15 years “will help reduce Covid-19 transmission in schools”, with around three million children who have the potential to qualify for the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
“Covid-19 is a disease that can be effectively transmitted by mass dissemination events, especially with Delta variants,” they said.
“Having a significant proportion of vaccinated pupils tends to reduce the probability of these events that tend to cause local outbreaks, or related to schools.” They will also reduce the possibility of individual children to get Covid-19.
This means vaccination tends to reduce (but does not eliminate educational disorders, “he added.
Their current plan is for children to only receive one shot, with JCVI asking to collect data about whether the second dose will be needed.
JCVI’s advice on giving teenage shots based In balancing health risks to capture covid with “increasingly strong evidence” that the Pfizer vaccine is related to rare cases of myocarditis heart conditions.
But it is said that the government must take further suggestions, taking a broader consideration.
The problem.
The four British governments then write To health officials earlier this month, notify them, “We will consider suggestions from CMOS from 4 countries, building JCVI suggestions, in making decisions.”

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