British naval head arrived in India on a three-day visit – News2IN

British naval head arrived in India on a three-day visit

British naval head arrived in India on a three-day visit
Written by news2in

New Delhi: British Navy Chairman Admiral Sir Tony Radinin arrived in India on Friday during a three-day visit where he would visit the Western Navy Command of Navy India, according to an official statement.
Admiral Radinin met with Indian Navy Chief Admiral Karambir Singh here on Friday and put a bouquet of flowers at the National War Memorial as award for the fallen soldiers.
The Indian Navy said in his statement, “He is also scheduled to visit the Indian Western Navy Command (in Mumbai) where he will interact with the Deputy Admiral R day Kumar, Naval Commander of the West Commander.” Radakin will also start the HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier, the flagship of the 21 UK Carrier strike group, which is on the current Mumbai beach for training along with the Indian Navy, which is stated.
Sharing modern partnerships bound by strong bonds, bilateral relations between India and England enhanced to ‘strategic partnerships’ in 2004 and further strengthened through reciprocal visits by the Prime Minister.
Furthermore, during the virtual summit between the second Prime Minister of the State on May 4 this year, ‘Roadmap 2030’ was adopted towards the increase in bilateral bonds with ‘comprehensive strategic partnerships’.

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