British researchers developed a new Covid-19 vaccine – News2IN

British researchers developed a new Covid-19 vaccine

Written by news2in

LONDON: Researchers in the UK use new ways to develop rapidly and manufacture mRNA vaccines and therapeutics at low costs against Covid-19 and various other diseases.
The research project will improve the ability of Britain and the world to quickly develop new vaccines in response to new variants of Covid-19 and future pandemics.
In non-emergency times, new production technology will provide developers and manufacturers access to the advanced process needed to produce new vaccines and care for other major diseases such as cancer, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular conditions and many autoimmune diseases faster, said Sheffield University in a Sheffield University statement on Sunday.
“Vaccines produced for Covid-19 have shown us what might use RNA technology.
In one of the largest scientific achievements of our generation, RNA Technology has shown the ability to change the timeline to develop and provide vaccines from year to month,” said researchers Main Zoltan KC from the Chemical Engineering Department and University Biology.
“This is a multipurpose and transformative technology that can be used to develop and produce mass vaccines and maintenance for other diseases.
To achieve this, we need to ensure that researchers around the world have access to the latest advanced RNA manufacturing process to support research, Development, and their large-scale production program, “Kis said.
The new vaccine production unit at the University will form the middle part of the Wellcome Leap R3 program, which aims to build a network of vaccine manufacturing facilities around the world to increase the number of RNA-based treatments designed, developed and produced in years.
The network will also be able to produce new vaccines quickly and if needed in response to future pandemic.
“Covid-19 has shown us how important it is prepared so that we can respond to the pandemic quickly.
By improving the way we can make vaccines and by distributing this production process throughout the world we will be able to respond to future pandemics much faster and more effectively, “Kis said.
“In the non-pandemic age, this production process is implemented throughout the world can be used to produce vaccine and therapeutic candidates that we really need to various diseases,” added the main researchers.

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